Alle anzeigen (3.346)
Region (Alle)
Afrika (1)
Asien (7)
Asien (ex-Japan) (7)
Asien-Pazifik (1)
Asien-Pazifik (ex-Japan) (19)
Emerging Markets (76)
Europa (242)
Europa (ex-UK) (6)
Eurozone (58)
Keine Region (1.065)
Lateinamerika (4)
Nordamerika (5)
Osteuropa(ex-Russia) (2)
Skandinavien (2)
Welt (343)
Land (Alle)
Australien (2)
Brasilien (6)
China (39)
Deutschland (37)
Frankreich (6)
Griechenland (1)
Indien (8)
Indonesien (3)
Italien (8)
Japan (93)
Kanada (10)
Kein Land (1.278)
Malaysia (1)
Mexiko (2)
Österreich (2)
Pakistan (1)
Philippinen (1)
Russland (2)
Saudi-Arabien (2)
Schweden (1)
Schweiz (6)
Singapur (1)
Spanien (2)
Südafrika (1)
Südkorea (5)
Taiwan (3)
Thailand (1)
Türkei (2)
Vereinigte Staaten (264)
Vereinigtes Königreich (49)
Vietnam (1)
Sektor (Alle)
Agrar (2)
Automobil (9)
Bau (3)
Biotech (4)
Chemie (2)
Energie (27)
Finanzdienstleister (25)
Gesundheit (18)
Goldminen (7)
Handel (5)
Haushaltsartikel (9)
Immobilien (0)
Industriegüter (10)
Infrastruktur (10)
Kein Sektor (1.579)
Konsumgüter (5)
Lebensmittel (4)
Luxus (2)
Medien (2)
Private Equity (4)
Reise & Freizeit (7)
Rohstoffe (10)
Technologie (71)
Telekommunikation (9)
Versorger (12)
Verteidigung (2)
Aktienstrategie (Alle)
Aktienrückkauf (3)
Dividenden (71)
Equal Weighed (16)
Fundamental / Quality (11)
Growth (2)
Keine Aktienstrategie (1.621)
Large Cap (6)
Low Volatility (27)
Mid Cap (13)
Momentum (8)
Multi-Faktor (16)
Preferred Shares (1)
Small Cap (21)
Value (22)
Thema (Alle)
Aktienrückkauf (3)
Alternative Energien (14)
Alternde Gesellschaft (1)
Batterietechnik (3)
Blockchain (4)
Christliche Prinzipien (1)
Cloud Technologie (2)
Cyber Security (6)
Digitalisierung (5)
E-Commerce (2)
E-Sports & Gaming (2)
Ernährung der Zukunft (2)
Fintech (3)
Geschlechtergleichheit (9)
Goldminen (6)
Grüne Mobilität (5)
Halbleiter (4)
Holz (2)
Innovation (11)
Islam (3)
Kein Thema (1.655)
Klimawandel (73)
Künstliche Intelligenz / AI (2)
Metaversum (5)
Private Equity (4)
Robotik & Automatisierung (2)
Wasser (5)
Wasserstoff (4)
Region (Alle)
Afrika (0)
Asien (0)
Asien (ex-Japan) (0)
Asien-Pazifik (1)
Asien-Pazifik (ex-Japan) (0)
Emerging Markets (0)
Europa (7)
Europa (ex-UK) (5)
Eurozone (2)
Keine Region (1)
Lateinamerika (0)
Nordamerika (0)
Osteuropa(ex-Russia) (0)
Skandinavien (0)
Welt (13)
Land (Alle)
Australien (0)
Brasilien (0)
China (0)
Deutschland (0)
Frankreich (0)
Griechenland (0)
Indien (0)
Indonesien (0)
Italien (0)
Japan (0)
Kanada (0)
Kein Land (28)
Malaysia (0)
Mexiko (0)
Österreich (0)
Pakistan (0)
Philippinen (0)
Russland (0)
Saudi-Arabien (0)
Schweden (0)
Schweiz (0)
Singapur (0)
Spanien (0)
Südafrika (0)
Südkorea (0)
Taiwan (0)
Thailand (0)
Türkei (0)
Vereinigte Staaten (1)
Vereinigtes Königreich (0)
Vietnam (0)
Kryptowährung (Alle)
Avalanche (1)
Binance USD (0)
Bitcoin (8)
Bitcoin Cash (1)
Cardano (1)
Cosmos (0)
Diversifiziert (8)
Ethereum (6)
keine Währung (31)
Polkadot (2)
Polygon (1)
Ripple (2)
Solana (2)
Tezos (1)
Tron (1)
Anleiheart (Alle)
Aggregat (53)
Keine Anleiheart (297)
Pfandbriefe (4)
Staatsanleihen (266)
Unternehmensanleihen (196)
Wandelanleihen (9)
Region (Alle)
Afrika (0)
Asien (1)
Asien (ex-Japan) (1)
Asien-Pazifik (0)
Asien-Pazifik (ex-Japan) (0)
Emerging Markets (65)
Europa (56)
Europa (ex-UK) (0)
Eurozone (64)
Keine Region (478)
Lateinamerika (0)
Nordamerika (4)
Osteuropa(ex-Russia) (0)
Skandinavien (0)
Welt (156)
Land (Alle)
Australien (1)
Brasilien (0)
China (7)
Deutschland (25)
Frankreich (1)
Griechenland (0)
Indien (3)
Indonesien (0)
Italien (3)
Japan (1)
Kanada (0)
Kein Land (638)
Malaysia (0)
Mexiko (0)
Österreich (0)
Pakistan (0)
Philippinen (0)
Russland (0)
Saudi-Arabien (0)
Schweden (0)
Schweiz (3)
Singapur (0)
Spanien (1)
Südafrika (0)
Südkorea (0)
Taiwan (0)
Thailand (0)
Türkei (0)
Vereinigte Staaten (130)
Vereinigtes Königreich (12)
Vietnam (0)
Währung (Alle)
Australischer Dollar (3)
Euro (455)
Hongkong-Dollar (2)
Japanischer Yen (3)
Kanadischer Dollar (0)
Keine Währung (0)
Mexikanischer Peso (2)
Pfund Sterling (41)
Schwedische Krone (0)
Schweizer Franken (66)
Singapur-Dollar (0)
US Dollar (253)
Rating (Alle)
kein Rating (292)
AAA (59)
Investment Grade (157)
High Yield (55)
Gemischte Ratings (43)
Laufzeiten (Alle)
0-1 Jahre (14)
0-10 Jahre (2)
0-3 Jahre (23)
0-5 Jahre (51)
1-10 Jahre (20)
1-15 Jahre (2)
10+ Jahre (44)
3-7 Jahre (11)
5-10 Jahre (5)
5-7 Jahre (7)
5+ Jahre (4)
7-10 Jahre (22)
Keine Angabe (315)
keine Laufzeit (305)
Währung (Alle)
Australischer Dollar (0)
Euro (9)
Hongkong-Dollar (0)
Japanischer Yen (0)
Kanadischer Dollar (0)
Keine Währung (0)
Mexikanischer Peso (0)
Pfund Sterling (2)
Schwedische Krone (0)
Schweizer Franken (0)
Singapur-Dollar (0)
US Dollar (3)
Rohstofftyp (Alle)
Agrarrohstoffe (16)
Diversifiziert (28)
Diversifiziert (ex Agrar) (13)
Edelmetalle (56)
Energie (61)
Industriemetalle (50)
kein Rohstofftyp (3121)
Nutzvieh (1)
Aluminium (6)
Baumwolle (1)
Benzin (5)
Blei (4)
Erdgas (9)
Gasöl (5)
Gold (26)
Heizöl (4)
Kaffee (3)
Kakao (1)
kein Rohstofftyp (3192)
Kupfer (9)
Lebendrind (1)
Magere Schweine (0)
Mais (2)
Nickel (7)
Öl (25)
Palladium (9)
Petroleum (1)
Platin (4)
Rhodium (1)
Silber (16)
Sojabohnen (0)
Sojaöl (0)
Weizen (3)
Zink (6)
Zinn (4)
Zucker (2)
- Indexauswahl (Alle)
- ---------------------------
- MSCI World (55)
- MSCI ACWI (22)
- MSCI All Country World Investable Market (ACWI IMI) (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets (28)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Market (IMI) (3)
- MSCI Europe (24)
- MSCI USA (21)
- FTSE All-World (6)
- FTSE Developed (2)
- FTSE Emerging (3)
- S&P 500 (58)
- Nasdaq 100 (22)
- Nikkei 225 (5)
- STOXX Europe 600 (10)
- DAX (9)
- MSCI World SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (6)
- ---------------------------
- 21Shares Crypto Basket (4)
- AC Far East Ex Japan ESG Leaders Select 5% capped (1)
- Alerian Disruptive Tech Real Estate (1)
- Alerian Midstream Energy Dividend (1)
- Aluminium (1)
- Amun Crypto Basket (1)
- ATX (2)
- Avalanche (3)
- Barclays Backwardation Tilt Multi-Strategy Capped (3)
- Binance USD (1)
- Bitcoin (12)
- Bitcoin Cash (1)
- Bloomberg Aluminum Subindex (1)
- Bloomberg Brent Crude Subindex (2)
- Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank (2)
- Bloomberg CM-BCOM Outperformance Strategy ex-Precious Metals, Agriculture, Livestock 2.5 Leveraged (2)
- Bloomberg Coffee Sub (1)
- Bloomberg Commodity (11)
- Bloomberg Commodity ex-Agriculture and Livestock (2)
- Bloomberg Commodity Forward 3M (5)
- Bloomberg Copper Subindex (1)
- Bloomberg EM USD Sovereign + Quasi-Sov (2)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets Asia Local Currency Government Country Capped Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Currency Liquid Government Bond (3)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets USD Sovereign (1)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets USD Sovereign & Agency 3% Country Capped (4)
- Bloomberg Energy (1)
- Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity ex-Agriculture (2)
- Bloomberg Euro 1-3 Year Treasury Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Bond (3)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Corporate Bond ex-Financials 1-5 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Financial (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Treasury (7)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond (15)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond 0-3 (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond 1-5 (5)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond ex-Financials (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Floating Rate Notes 2% Issuer Cap (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10 (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10+ (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10-15 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 15-30 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 5 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 5-7 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation-Linked 1-10 Year (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation-Linked 10+ Year (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro High Quality Liquid Asset 1-5 Years Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 1-10 (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 15+ Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 25+ Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 3-5 Year Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 5-7 Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 7-10 Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury Bond 0-1 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury France (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury Germany (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury Spain (1)
- Bloomberg ex-Agriculture and Livestock 15/30 Capped (3)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond (21)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate (8)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate USD 1-3 (3)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate US Treasury Float Adjusted (3)
- Bloomberg Global Corporate ex EM Fallen Angels 3% Capped (2)
- Bloomberg Industrial Metals (1)
- Bloomberg Liquidity Screened Euro High Yield Bond (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI EUR Corporate and Agency Green Bond (1)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate 0-3 Sustainable SRI (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate High Yield Sustainable BB+ SRI Bond (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate Sustainable and SRI (5)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Green Bond SRI including Nuclear Power (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global Aggregate 1-3 SRI Carbon ESG-Weighted (1)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global Aggregate Sustainable and Green Bond SRI (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global aggregted 500MM ex securitized sustainable SRI sector neutral (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global Corporate Float-Adjusted Liquid Bond Screened (4)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate High Yield SRI Sustainable (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate High Yield Sustainable BB+ SRI Bond (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate Sustainable SRI (4)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year Sustainable (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI USD Corporate and Agency Green Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Nickel (1)
- Bloomberg SASB 0-3 Year Euro Corporate ESG (1)
- Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG (2)
- Bloomberg SASB US Corporate ESG Ex-Controversies Select (1)
- Bloomberg Short Treasury (4)
- Bloomberg Sterling Corporate Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Sterling Corporate Bond 0-5 (1)
- Bloomberg Sterling Gilt Float Adjusted (3)
- Bloomberg Sub Agri (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Agriculture (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Aluminum (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Brent Crude (2)
- Bloomberg Sub BrentCrud (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Cocoa (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Coffee (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Copper (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Corn (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Cotton (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Gold (3)
- Bloomberg Sub Industrial Metals (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Natural Gas (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Nickel (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Petroleum (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Platinum (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Precis Mtls Dly (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Silver (3)
- Bloomberg Sub Sugar (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Wheat (2)
- Bloomberg Sub WTI Crude Oil (4)
- Bloomberg Sub Zinc (1)
- Bloomberg UK Gilt (2)
- Bloomberg UK Gilt 1-5 (1)
- Bloomberg UK Gilt 15+ (1)
- Bloomberg US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond (3)
- Bloomberg US 10+ Year Treasury Bond (8)
- Bloomberg US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond (13)
- Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond (4)
- Bloomberg US Corporate 0-3 (1)
- Bloomberg US Corporate 10+ (1)
- Bloomberg US Enhanced Inflation (2)
- Bloomberg US Floating Rate Notes 1-5 (3)
- Bloomberg US Government 1-10 Year Inflation-Linked Bond (6)
- Bloomberg US Government 10+ Year Inflation-Linked Bond (2)
- Bloomberg US Government Inflation-Linked Bond (7)
- Bloomberg US High Yield Very Liquid ex 144A (2)
- Bloomberg US Intermediate Corporate Bond (1)
- Bloomberg US Intermediate Credit Bond (1)
- Bloomberg US Liquid Corporates (5)
- Bloomberg US Mortgage Backed Securities (3)
- Bloomberg US Treasury (5)
- Bloomberg US Treasury 1-3 (8)
- Bloomberg US Treasury 3-7 (8)
- Bloomberg US Treasury Bill 1-3 M (2)
- Bloomberg US Treasury Floating Rate (2)
- Bloomberg USD Liquid Investment Grade Corporate (3)
- Bloomberg Wheat Sub (1)
- Bloomberg World Government Inflation-Linked Bond (8)
- Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil (1)
- Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil Subindex (1)
- BNP Paribas Bund Future MV (1)
- BNP Paribas Energy & Metals Enhanced Roll (3)
- BNP Paribas Equity Momentum Europe (2)
- BNP Paribas High Dividend Europe Equity (1)
- BNP Paribas High Dividend Europe ESG (1)
- BNP Paribas Long Term BTP Future (1)
- BNP Paribas Long Term BTP Future MV (1)
- BNP Paribas Long Term BTP Rolling Future (1)
- BNP Paribas US Treasury Note 10Y Rolling Future (3)
- BNPP Emerging Markets Equities Rolling Futures (2)
- BNPP Long Bund 30Y Rolling Future (1)
- BNPP Optimised Roll Energy (1)
- BNPP Optimized Roll Industrial Metals (1)
- BNPP US Treasuries 30Y (3x) (1)
- BofA Merrill Lynch 0-5 Year Euro Developed Markets High Yield 2% Constrained (2)
- BofA Merrill Lynch Diversified Core Plus Fixed Rate Preferred Securities (4)
- BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Constrained 0-5 (5)
- Bund Rolling Future (2)
- BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud (1)
- CAC 40 (3)
- CAC 40 ESG (1)
- Cardano (1)
- CenterSquare New Economy Real Estate (2)
- CoinShares Blockchain Global Equity (1)
- Copper (1)
- Cosmos (1)
- CSI 300 (2)
- CSI Gilt-Edged Medium Term Treasury Note (1)
- DAX 50 ESG (1)
- DAX ESG Target (1)
- DAX ex Financials 30 (1)
- DAXglobal Gold Miners (1)
- DAXplus Maximum Dividend (1)
- DB Brent Crude Oil Booster (1)
- DBLCI Optimum Yld Brent Crude Oil (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 1-10 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 1-3 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 10+ (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 3-5 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 5-10 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany Money Market (1)
- DIVDAX (1)
- Dow Jones Asia/Pacific Select Dividend 50 (1)
- Dow Jones China Offshore 50 (1)
- Dow Jones Emerging Markets Select Dividend (1)
- Dow Jones Global Select Real Estate Securities (2)
- Dow Jones Global Titans 50 (1)
- Dow Jones Industrial Average (4)
- Dow Jones Sustainability Eurozone ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling and others (1)
- Dow Jones Sustainability World ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling and others (1)
- Dow Jones US Select Dividend (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 1.5 - 2.5 (2)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 10.5+ (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 2.5 - 5.5 (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 5.5 - 10.5 (1)
- ECPI Circular Economy Leaders Equity (1)
- ECPI Global ESG Blue Economy (2)
- ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy (2)
- ECPI Global ESG Medical Tech (1)
- EQM Future of Defence (1)
- Ethereum (10)
- EURO iSTOXX ex Financials High Dividend 50 (1)
- EURO iSTOXX High Dividend Low Volatility 50 (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 (23)
- EURO STOXX 50 Daily Leverage (3x) (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 Daily Short (3x) (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 Leverage (2x) (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 Short (2)
- EURO STOXX 50 Short Leverage (2x) (1)
- EURO STOXX Banks (1)
- EURO STOXX Banks 30-15 (2)
- EURO STOXX Banks Daily Leverage (3x) (1)
- EURO STOXX Low Risk Weighted 100 (1)
- EURO STOXX Mid (1)
- EURO STOXX Optimised Banks (1)
- Euro STOXX Quality Dividend 50 (1)
- EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 (5)
- EURO STOXX Small (1)
- EURO STOXX Total Market (TMI) Growth Large (1)
- Euronext ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders (1)
- Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ESG Tilted Index (1)
- Fidelity Emerging Markets Quality Income (2)
- Fidelity Europe Quality Income (2)
- Fidelity Global Quality Income (4)
- Fidelity Metaverse ESG Tilted (1)
- Fidelity US Quality Income (4)
- Foxberry Digital Payments Economy (1)
- Foxberry Listed Private Equity SDG Screened (1)
- Foxberry SMS Environmental Impact 100 (1)
- Foxberry Sustainability Consensus Europe Total Return (1)
- Foxberry Sustainability Consensus US (1)
- Foxberry Tematica Research Cybersecurity & Data Privacy (1)
- Foxberry Tematica Research Sustainable Future of Food (1)
- Franklin Liberty Euro Short Maturity (2)
- Franklin US Equity (1)
- FSE Eb Rexx Money Market (2)
- FTSE 100 (14)
- FTSE 100 Daily Leveraged (1)
- FTSE 100 Daily Short Strategy (1)
- FTSE 100 Short (1)
- FTSE 100 Super Leveraged (1)
- FTSE 100 Ultra Short Str (1)
- FTSE 250 (5)
- FTSE 250 Daily Leveraged (1)
- FTSE 250 Daily Short Strategy (1)
- FTSE Advanced Climate Risk-Adjusted European Monetary Union Government Bond (2)
- FTSE All-Share (2)
- FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield (2)
- FTSE Australian Government Bond (1)
- FTSE Brazil 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE China 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE China 50 (1)
- FTSE China A-H 50 (1)
- FTSE Developed Asia Pacific All Cap (2)
- FTSE Developed Asia Pacific ex Japan (2)
- FTSE Developed Asia Pacific ex Japan All Cap ex CW ex TC ex REITS Dividend Growth with Quality (1)
- FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select (1)
- FTSE Developed Europe (2)
- FTSE Developed Europe ESG Low Carbon Select (2)
- FTSE Developed Europe ex UK All Cap ex CW ex TC ex REITS Dividend Growth with Quality (1)
- FTSE Emerging ESG Low Carbon Select (1)
- FTSE Emerging Markets High Dividend Low Volatility (1)
- FTSE Emerging Markets USD Governement & Government-Related Bond Select (4)
- FTSE EPRA Nareit Dev Green EU (1)
- FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe ex UK Green (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed (6)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Asia Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe (5)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK Capped (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK Dividend+ (2)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped (2)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT United States Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE ESG Select World Government Bond Developed Markets (3)
- FTSE G7 Government Bond (3)
- FTSE Germany All Cap (1)
- FTSE Global All Cap Choice (2)
- FTSE Global Core Infrastructure (1)
- FTSE Goldman Sachs China Government Bond (1)
- FTSE India 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE Japan (3)
- FTSE Japan ESG Low Carbon Select (2)
- FTSE Japanese Government Bond (1)
- FTSE Korea 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE MIB (5)
- FTSE MIB Banks 15% Capped (1)
- FTSE MIB Leveraged (3x) (1)
- FTSE MIB Ultra Short Strategy (1)
- FTSE MTS Eurozone Government Bill 0-6 Month Capped (2)
- FTSE MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BOT (1)
- FTSE MTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond (1)
- FTSE MTS Highest-Rated Eurozone Government Bond (1)
- FTSE MTS Lowest-Rated Eurozone Government Bond Investment Grade (2)
- FTSE North America (2)
- FTSE RAFI All-World 3000 (1)
- FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets (1)
- FTSE RAFI Europe (1)
- FTSE RAFI US 1000 (1)
- FTSE Taiwan 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE Time-Weighted US Fallen Angel Bond Select (3)
- FTSE UK Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE US Treasury Short Duration (1)
- FTSE USA ESG Low Carbon Select (1)
- FTSE Vietnam (1)
- FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade USD Multilateral Development Bank Bond Capped (3)
- FTSE World Government Bond - Developed Markets (5)
- Gold (20)
- Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Emerging Markets Equity (1)
- GPR Global 100 (1)
- Hang Seng TECH (1)
- iBoxx Contingent Convertible Liquid Developed Europe AT1 (5)
- iBoxx EUR Breakeven Euro-Inflation France & Germany (1)
- iBoxx EUR Corporates BBB-BB (1)
- iBoxx EUR Corporates Yield Plus (1)
- iBoxx EUR Covered (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 1-3 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 15-30 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 20 Target Duration (2)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 25+ (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 3-5 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 5-7 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 7-10 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Germany (2)
- iBoxx EUR Germany 1-3 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates Diversified (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates Large Cap (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Covered Bond (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Germany Covered Diversified (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid High Yield (6)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid High Yield 1-3 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort (3)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Non-Financials Diversified (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Capped 1-5 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Capped 1.5-10.5 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 1-10 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 10+ (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 3-5 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 5-7 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 7-10 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereign Yield Plus 1-3 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns ESG Tilted (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone (3)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone AAA (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone Short (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone Yield Plus (2)
- IBOXX Germany Covered Bond (1)
- iBoxx Global Developed Markets Liquid High Yield Capped (5)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR Corporates 0-1 (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR FRN Investment Grade Corporates (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR High Yield Corporates (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR High Yield Paris Aligned Capped (1)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG USD Asia ex-Japan High Yield Capped (1)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG USD Emerging Markets Sovereigns Quality Weighted (3)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG USD FRN Investment Grade Corporates (2)
- iBoxx Pfandbriefe (1)
- iBoxx TIPS Inflation Linked (1)
- iBoxx USD Breakeven 10-Year Inflation (1)
- iBoxx USD Inverse Breakeven 10-Year Inflation (1)
- iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield 0-5 Capped (1)
- iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Capped (4)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade (4)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade 0-5 (3)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Interest Rate Hedged (1)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort (1)
- iBoxx USD Treasuries (2)
- iBoxx USD Treasuries 1-3 (1)
- ICE 3-5 Year Euro Government Carbon Reduction (1)
- ICE BofAML 0-5 EM USD Government Bond (2)
- ICE BofAML Diversified High Yield US Emerging Markets Corporate Plus (1)
- ICE BofAML Euro High Yield (3)
- ICE BofAML Global Fallen Angel High Yield (1)
- ICE BofAML US High Yield (7)
- ICE Brent Crude Oil (1)
- ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures (2)
- ICE US Treasury 0-1 (3)
- ICE US Treasury 0-5 Inflation-Linked (2)
- ICE US Treasury 1-3 (5)
- ICE US Treasury 20+ (3)
- ICE US Treasury 3-7 (3)
- ICE US Treasury 7-10 (4)
- ICE US Treasury Core Bond (1)
- iClima Global Decarbonisation Enablers (1)
- IDC US Treasury Short Term (2)
- Indxx Cybersecurity (1)
- Indxx Global CleanTech (1)
- Indxx Global Cloud Computing (1)
- Indxx Global Fintech Thematic (2)
- Indxx Global Internet of Things Thematic (1)
- Indxx Global NextGen Healthcare (1)
- Indxx Renewable Energy Producers (1)
- Indxx U.S. Infrastructure Development (2)
- ISE Cyber Security UCITS (1)
- iSTOXX FactSet Ageing Population (1)
- iSTOXX FactSet Breakthrough Healthcare (1)
- iSTOXX FactSet Digitalisation (1)
- iStoxx Global Metaverse (1)
- iTraxx Crossover 5y Short (1)
- iTraxx-CDX IG Global Credit Steepener (1)
- JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified Core (2)
- JP Morgan China Custom Liquid ESG Capped (2)
- JP Morgan China Government + Policy Bank 20% Capped 1-10 Year (1)
- JP Morgan EMBI Global Core (5)
- JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified 10% Cap 1% Floor (1)
- JP Morgan Emerging Markets Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond (2)
- JP Morgan Emerging Markets Risk-Aware Bond (4)
- JP Morgan ESG CEMBI Broad Diversified Custom Maturity (5)
- JP Morgan ESG EMBI Global Diversified (10)
- JP Morgan ESG EMBI Global Diversified Short-Term Custom Maturity (2)
- JP Morgan ESG EMU Government Bond IG 3- 5 Year (1)
- JP Morgan ESG Green Social & Sustainability Investment Grade (2)
- JP Morgan GBI-Emerging Markets Global Core (1)
- JP Morgan GCI ESG Investment Grade USD Custom Maturity (2)
- JP Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond (3)
- JP Morgan Government Bond Global (4)
- JP Morgan India Government Fully Accessible Route (FAR) Bonds (3)
- JP Morgan USD Corporate Bond Research Enhanced (4)
- JP Morgan USD Emerging Markets Diversified 3% capped 1-5 Year Bond (6)
- JP Morgan USD Emerging Markets IG ESG Diversified Bond (3)
- JP Morgan USD Ultra-Short Income (2)
- JPX-Nikkei 400 (8)
- KBW Nasdaq Financial Technology (1)
- LevDAX (2x) (4)
- LevDAX (3x) (1)
- LibertyQ Emerging Markets Equity (1)
- LibertyQ European Dividend (1)
- LibertyQ Global Dividend (1)
- LME Lead Futures (1)
- Long Gilt Rolling Future (3)
- Low Carbon 100 Europe Paris aligned (3)
- Low Carbon 100 Eurozone PAB (1)
- Low Carbon 300 World PAB (1)
- LPX Major Market (1)
- MAC Global Solar Energy (1)
- Market Vector Crypto Leaders (1)
- MarketGrader New China ESG (1)
- MarketVector Global Defense (1)
- MDAX (7)
- Morgan Stanley RADAR ex Agriculture & Livestock Commodity (2)
- Morningstar Developed Markets Large Cap Dividend Leaders Screened Select Index (1)
- Morningstar Global Multi-Asset Infrastructure (1)
- Morningstar MLP Composite (2)
- Morningstar UK (1)
- Morningstar US Large-Mid Cap (1)
- Morningstar US Target Market Exposure (2)
- MS Long Gold (1)
- MSCI AC Asia Ex Japan (4)
- MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan (1)
- MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Climate Paris Aligned (1)
- MSCI AC Far East Ex Japan (2)
- MSCI AC Far East ex Japan Small Cap (1)
- MSCI ACWI Climate Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI ACWI Emerging Market Consumer Growth (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Disruptive Technology ESG Filtered (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Fintech Innovation Select (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI New Energy ESG Filtered (2)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Robotics & AI ESG Filtered (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 12 Responsible Consumption (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Select (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG Impact Select (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment ESG Screened Select Capped (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Smart Cities ESG Filtered (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Water ESG Filtered (2)
- MSCI ACWI Select ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI ACWI Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment ESG Filtered (2)
- MSCI ACWI SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (7)
- MSCI Australia (1)
- MSCI Brazil (5)
- MSCI Canada (10)
- MSCI China (6)
- MSCI China A (6)
- MSCI China A Inclusion (4)
- MSCI China All Shares Stock Connect Select (1)
- MSCI China All Shares Tech Select ESG Screened 100 (1)
- MSCI China ex A Shares (1)
- MSCI China NR (1)
- MSCI China Select ESG Rating and Trend Leaders (2)
- MSCI China Select SRI S-Series 10% Capped (2)
- MSCI China Technology All Shares Stock Connect Select (1)
- MSCI China Technology Sub-Industries ESG Screened Select Capped (1)
- MSCI Emergin Markets SRI Filtered Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Asia (4)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Climate Paris Aligned (4)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe ex Russia (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA Low Carbon SRI Leaders (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Enhanced Focus (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Universal Select (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ex China (3)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Extended ESG Leaders 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets IMI ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America 10/40 (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America Low Carbon SRI Leaders (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Minimum Volatility (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Select Value Factor Focus (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (2)
- MSCI EMU (25)
- MSCI EMU Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI EMU Climate Paris Aligned (1)
- MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced Focus (2)
- MSCI EMU ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI EMU ESG Universal Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI EMU High Dividend Yield (2)
- MSCI EMU Large Cap (1)
- MSCI EMU Low Carbon SRI Leaders (1)
- MSCI EMU Mid Cap (1)
- MSCI EMU Select ESG Screened (1)
- MSCI EMU Small Cap (2)
- MSCI EMU SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (1)
- MSCI EMU Value (3)
- MSCI EUR Corporates IG Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Climate Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Europe Communication Services 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Communication Services ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary ESG Screened 20-35 Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Staples 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Staples ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Diversified Multiple-Factor (1)
- MSCI Europe Energy 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Enhanced Value (2)
- MSCI Europe ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced Focus (2)
- MSCI Europe ESG Leaders Select 5% Issuer Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Europe Ex UK (2)
- MSCI Europe ex UK ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Europe Financials 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Financials ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Health Care 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Health Care ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield (1)
- MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Industrials 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Industrials ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Information Technology 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Information Technology ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Materials 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Materials ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Mid Cap (1)
- MSCI Europe Mid Cap Equal Weighted (1)
- MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility (2)
- MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target (1)
- MSCI Europe Momentum (2)
- MSCI Europe Quality (1)
- MSCI Europe Sector Neutral Quality (1)
- MSCI Europe Select Catholic Principles ESG Leaders 10/40 (1)
- MSCI Europe Select ESG Screened (1)
- MSCI Europe Small Cap (2)
- MSCI Europe Small Cap Value Weighted (1)
- MSCI Europe SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe SRi Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Europe SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (3)
- MSCI Europe Utilities 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Utilities ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Value Exposure Select (1)
- MSCI France (2)
- MSCI GCC Countries ex Select Securities (1)
- MSCI Germany Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI Global Digital Assets Selected Top 20 Capped (1)
- MSCI Greece IMI + Coca-Cola 20/35 (1)
- MSCI India (6)
- MSCI Indonesia (3)
- MSCI Japan (34)
- MSCI Japan Climate Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Japan ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced Focus (3)
- MSCI Japan ESG Filtered Min TE (1)
- MSCI Japan ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Japan ESG Universal Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI Japan ESG Universal Select (2)
- MSCI Japan ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Japan IMI (2)
- MSCI Japan Select ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Japan Small Cap (1)
- MSCI Japan SRI (1)
- MSCI Japan SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (4)
- MSCI Japan SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (4)
- MSCI Japan SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (2)
- MSCI Korea 20/35 (4)
- MSCI Malaysia (1)
- MSCI Mexico (1)
- MSCI Mexico Capped (1)
- MSCI Nordic Countries (2)
- MSCI North America (1)
- MSCI North America High Dividend Yield (1)
- MSCI Pacific Ex Japan (7)
- MSCI Pacific ex Japan ESG Enhanced Focus (1)
- MSCI Pacific ex Japan ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Pacific ex Japan SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (3)
- MSCI Pakistan Investable Market (IMI) (1)
- MSCI Philippines Investable Market (IMI) (1)
- MSCI Russia (1)
- MSCI Russia Capped (1)
- MSCI Saudi Arabia 20/35 (2)
- MSCI Singapore Investable Market (IMI) (1)
- MSCI South Africa Capped (1)
- MSCI Switzerland (2)
- MSCI Switzerland IMI Extended SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI Taiwan 20/35 (2)
- MSCI Thailand (1)
- MSCI Turkey (2)
- MSCI UK (11)
- MSCI UK hedged to USD (2)
- MSCI UK IMI Low Carbon SRI Leaders Select (1)
- MSCI UK IMI SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (3)
- MSCI UK Small Cap (1)
- MSCI USA Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI USA Climate Paris Aligned (3)
- MSCI USA Communication Services 20-35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Consumer Discretionary 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Consumer Staples (1)
- MSCI USA Diversified Multiple-Factor (1)
- MSCI USA Energy 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Enhanced Value (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Broad Select (2)
- MSCI USA ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Enhanced Focus (3)
- MSCI USA ESG Leaders (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Leaders Select 5% Issuer Capped (4)
- MSCI USA ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI USA ESG Universal Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI USA Financials (1)
- MSCI USA Health Care (1)
- MSCI USA Industrials (1)
- MSCI USA Information Technology 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Islamic (1)
- MSCI USA Large Cap (1)
- MSCI USA Leverage (2x) (1)
- MSCI USA Mid Cap (1)
- MSCI USA Mid-Cap Equal Weighted (1)
- MSCI USA Minimum Volatility (1)
- MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target (1)
- MSCI USA Momentum (1)
- MSCI USA Sector Neutral Quality (1)
- MSCI USA Select Dynamic 50% Risk Weighted (2)
- MSCI USA Select ESG Rating and Trend Leaders (3)
- MSCI USA Select ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI USA Select Factor Mix (4)
- MSCI USA Select Sustainability Screened CTB (1)
- MSCI USA Small Cap ESG Enhanced Focus CTB (1)
- MSCI USA Small Cap ESG Leaders (1)
- MSCI USA Small Cap Value Weighted (1)
- MSCI USA SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped (2)
- MSCI USA Value (1)
- MSCI USA Value Weighted (1)
- MSCI World Climate Change Paris Aligned Low Carbon Select (1)
- MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned (6)
- MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned Select (1)
- MSCI World Consumer Discretionary (1)
- MSCI World Consumer Staples (1)
- MSCI World Diversified Multiple-Factor (3)
- MSCI World Energy (2)
- MSCI World Energy 35/20 Capped (1)
- MSCI World Enhanced Value (2)
- MSCI World ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI World ESG Enhanced Focus (2)
- MSCI World ESG Leaders (3)
- MSCI World ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI World ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI World Ex EMU (1)
- MSCI World Ex Europe (1)
- MSCI World Financials (3)
- MSCI World Health Care (3)
- MSCI World Health Care ESG Reduced Carbon Select 20 35 Capped (1)
- MSCI World High Dividend Yield ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MSCI World High Dividend Yield Low Carbon SRI Screened Select (1)
- MSCI World Industrials (1)
- MSCI World Information Technology (2)
- MSCI World Information Technology 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI World Islamic (1)
- MSCI World Materials (1)
- MSCI World Materials 35/20 Capped (1)
- MSCI World Mid Cap Equal Weighted (1)
- MSCI World Minimum Volatility (4)
- MSCI World Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target (3)
- MSCI World Momentum (2)
- MSCI World Momentum ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MSCI World Sector Neutral Quality (2)
- MSCI World Select ESG Screened (1)
- MSCI World Small Cap (2)
- MSCI World Small Cap ESG Enhanced Focus (1)
- MSCI World Small Cap SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI World SRI Filtered Paris Aligned Benchmarks (3)
- MSCI World SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (6)
- MSCI World SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped (1)
- MSCI World Utilities (1)
- MSCI World Value ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners (1)
- MVIS Global Rare Earth/Strategic Metals (1)
- Nasdaq 100 3x Leveraged Notional (1)
- Nasdaq 100 ESG (1)
- Nasdaq 100 Leverage (2x) (1)
- Nasdaq AlphaDEX Eurozone (1)
- Nasdaq AlphaDEX Germany (1)
- Nasdaq AlphaDEX Large Cap Core (1)
- Nasdaq Biotechnology (2)
- Nasdaq Clean Edge Green Energy (1)
- Nasdaq Crypto Europe (1)
- Nasdaq CTA Artificial Intelligence (1)
- Nasdaq Global Buyback Achievers (1)
- Nasdaq Global Semiconductor (1)
- Nasdaq Next Generation 100 (1)
- Nasdaq-100 3x Inverse (1)
- Natural Gas (1)
- Nickel (1)
- Nifty 50 (1)
- North Shore Sprott Uranium Miners (1)
- NYSE Arca Gold Bugs (1)
- NYSE Arca Gold Miners (1)
- NYSE Factset Global Blockchain Technologies Capped (1)
- NYSE Leveraged 2x (1)
- OMX Stockholm Benchmark Cap (1)
- Optimized Roll Commodity (5)
- Optimized Roll Energy (1)
- Palladium (7)
- PIMCO Emerging Markets Advantage Local Currency Bond (2)
- PIMCO Euro Short Maturity (5)
- PIMCO Low Duration Euro Corporate Bond (1)
- PIMCO Low Duration US Corporate Bond (2)
- PIMCO Sterling Short Maturity (1)
- PIMCO US Dollar Short Maturity (1)
- Platinum (3)
- Polkadot (2)
- Polygon (1)
- Precious Metals Basket (1)
- RBOB Gasoline (2)
- Refinitiv Global Large/Mid Diversity & Inclusion ex Controversial Weapons Equal Weight (1)
- Refinitiv Qualified Global Convertible (4)
- Rhodium (1)
- RICI Enhanced Aluminium (2)
- RICI Enhanced Aluminum (1)
- RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil (3)
- RICI Enhanced Copper (3)
- RICI Enhanced Energy (3)
- RICI Enhanced Gas Oil (1)
- RICI Enhanced Gas Oil TR (2)
- RICI Enhanced Gasoline (1)
- RICI Enhanced Heating Oil (4)
- RICI Enhanced Industrial Metals (3)
- RICI Enhanced Lead (3)
- RICI Enhanced Metals (3)
- RICI Enhanced Natural Gas (3)
- RICI Enhanced Nickel (3)
- RICI Enhanced RBOB Gasoline (2)
- RICI Enhanced Tin (3)
- RICI Enhanced WTI Crude Oil (2)
- RICI Enhanced Zinc (4)
- RICI EnhancedSM Brent Crude Oil (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM Copper (2)
- RICI EnhancedSM Energy (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM METALS (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM Natural Gas (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM WTI Crude Oil (1)
- Ripple (2)
- ROBO Global Artificial Intelligence (1)
- ROBO Global Healthcare Technology and Innovation (1)
- ROBO-STOX Global Robotics and Automation (1)
- Rogers International Commodity (RICI) (1)
- Russell 2000 (5)
- S&P 500 Buyback (2)
- S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Communication Services (1)
- S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Health Care (1)
- S&P 500 Equal Weight (7)
- S&P 500 ESG (14)
- S&P 500 Financials Sector (1)
- S&P 500 Leverage (2x) (1)
- S&P 500 Low Volatility (1)
- S&P 500 Low Volatility High Dividend (2)
- S&P 500 Minimum Volatility (2)
- S&P 500 Net Zero 2050 Paris-Aligned ESG (3)
- S&P 500 Paris-Aligned Climate Sustainability Screened (1)
- S&P 500 Quality, Value & Momentum Multi-Factor (1)
- S&P 500 Short (1)
- S&P 500 Short Leverage (2x) (1)
- S&P 500 VIX Futures Enhanced Roll (1)
- S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures (1)
- S&P 900 Banks 7/4 Capped (1)
- S&P China 500 (1)
- S&P Commodity Producers Agribusiness (1)
- S&P Commodity Producers Gold (1)
- S&P Commodity Producers Oil & Gas Exploration & Production (1)
- S&P Communication Services Select Sector Daily Capped 25/20 (1)
- S&P Consumer Discretionary Select Sector (1)
- S&P Consumer Staples Select Sector (1)
- S&P Developed Markets ex Korea LargeMidCap (2)
- S&P Emerging Markets High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure (1)
- S&P Energy Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P Euro High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Europe ex UK (1)
- S&P Eurozone LargeMidCap Paris-Aligned Climate (2)
- S&P Financials Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P Global Clean Energy (2)
- S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Global Infrastructure (1)
- S&P Global Luxury (2)
- S&P Global Timber & Forestry (2)
- S&P Global Water (1)
- S&P Health Care Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (2)
- S&P Industrial Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P Listed Private Equity (2)
- S&P Materials Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P MidCap 400 (1)
- S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Select Frontier (1)
- S&P SmallCap 600 (2)
- S&P Technology Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P UK High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Utilities Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P/ASX 200 (1)
- SBI ESG Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 (1)
- SBI ESG Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 (2)
- SG Global Quality Income (1)
- SGI Pan Africa (1)
- Shiller Barclays CAPE Europe Sector Value (2)
- Shiller Barclays CAPE US Sector Value (5)
- Short DAX (3x) (1)
- ShortDAX (2)
- ShortDAX Leverage (2x) (3)
- Silver (10)
- SLI (2)
- Solactive 10Y US Treasury Future Daily -2x Inverse USD (1)
- Solactive AgTech and Food Innovation (1)
- Solactive AuAg ESG Gold Mining (1)
- Solactive Autonomous & Electric Vehicles (2)
- Solactive Battery Value-Chain (1)
- Solactive Blockchain (1)
- Solactive Brent Crude Oil (3)
- Solactive Bund Daily (-2x) Inverse (1)
- Solactive Candriam Factors Sustainable Corporate Euro Bond (1)
- Solactive Candriam Factors Sustainable Europe Equity (1)
- Solactive Candriam Factors Sustainable Japan Equity (1)
- Solactive Carbon Emission Allowances Rolling Futures (1)
- Solactive China Electric Vehicle and Battery (1)
- Solactive China Technology (2)
- Solactive Clean Energy (1)
- Solactive Clean Water (1)
- Solactive Core Developed Markets Europe ex UK Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core Developed Markets Pacific ex Japan Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core Japan Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core United States Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Data Center REITs & Digital Infrastructure (1)
- Solactive Digital Payments (1)
- Solactive E-commerce (1)
- Solactive eCommerce Logistics (1)
- Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality (1)
- Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 (8)
- Solactive ETC Group Web 3.0 (1)
- Solactive EUR USD IG Corporate Green Bond (1)
- Solactive Euro Corporates 0-3 Year Liquid EUR (1)
- Solactive Euro Government Green Bond (1)
- Solactive Euro Overnight Return (1)
- Solactive Europe 600 (2)
- Solactive European Equity (1)
- Solactive Eurozone Government Bond (2)
- Solactive Eurozone Government Bond 0-1 Year (1)
- Solactive Eurozone Rendite Plus 1-10 Bond (1)
- Solactive Eurozone Sustainability (1)
- Solactive Fed Funds Effective Rate (2)
- Solactive GBS Developed Markets Europe Large & Mid Cap (4)
- Solactive GBS Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap (3)
- Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap (2)
- Solactive GBS Japan Large & Mid Cap (2)
- Solactive Genomics (1)
- Solactive Gerd Kommer Multifaktor USD (2)
- Solactive Global Clean Water Industry (1)
- Solactive Global Copper Miners (1)
- Solactive Global Developed Government Bond (2)
- Solactive Global Hydrogen (1)
- Solactive Global Lithium (1)
- Solactive Global Metaverse (1)
- Solactive Global Multilateral Development Bank Bond USD 25% Issuer Capped (5)
- Solactive Global Pure Gold Miners (1)
- Solactive Global Silver Miners (1)
- Solactive Global SuperDividend (2)
- Solactive Global Uranium & Nuclear Components (1)
- Solactive Gold (2)
- Solactive Green Bond (3)
- Solactive Green ESG Bond EUR USD IG (3)
- Solactive HG Copper (2)
- Solactive Hydrogen Economy (1)
- Solactive Innovative Technologies (1)
- Solactive ISS ESG Developed Markets Eurozone Net Zero Pathway (2)
- Solactive ISS ESG Developed Markets Net Zero Pathway (1)
- Solactive ISS Paris Aligned Select Euro Corporate IG (1)
- Solactive leveraged 1x short FAANG (1)
- Solactive Natural Gas (2)
- Solactive Palladium (2)
- Solactive Pharma Breakthrough Value (1)
- Solactive Silver (2)
- Solactive Smart Factory (1)
- Solactive Solar (1)
- Solactive Spain 40 (2)
- Solactive Sustainable World Equity (1)
- Solactive Swiss Large Cap (1)
- Solactive UBS Climate Aware Global Developed Equity CTB (1)
- Solactive United States Technology 100 Equal Weight (1)
- Solactive US Treasury 7-10 Q Series USD (1)
- Solactive US Treasury Bond (2)
- Solactive US Treasury Yield Curve Steepener 2-5 vs 10-30 (1)
- Solactive USD Daily (x7) Steepener 2-10 (1)
- Solactive Video Games & Esports (2)
- Solactive Wind Energy (1)
- Solana (2)
- STOXX China A 900 Minimum Variance Unconstrained AM (1)
- STOXX Europe 50 (4)
- STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Banks (2)
- STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Chemicals (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Financial Services (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Health Care (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Insurance (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Media (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Automobiles & Parts (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Banks (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Basic Resources (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Chemicals (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Construction & Materials (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Financial Services (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Food & Beverage (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Health Care (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Insurance (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Media (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Oil & Gas (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Personal & Household Goods (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Retail (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Technology (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Telecommunications (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Travel & Leisure (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Retail (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 SRI (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Technology (4)
- STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure (4)
- STOXX Europe 600 Utilities (3)
- STOXX Europe Large 200 (1)
- STOXX Europe Mid 200 (1)
- STOXX Europe Select Dividend 30 (2)
- STOXX Europe Small 200 (1)
- STOXX Europe Strong Growth 20 (1)
- STOXX Europe Strong Style Composite 40 (1)
- STOXX Europe Strong Value 20 (1)
- STOXX Global Digital Security (2)
- STOXX Global Electric Vehicles & Driving Technology (1)
- STOXX Global Metaverse (1)
- STOXX Global Select Dividend 100 (2)
- STOXX Global Smart City Infrastructure (2)
- TecDAX (3)
- Tematica BITA Digital Infrastructure (1)
- Tezos (1)
- Tin (1)
- TOPIX (8)
- Tortoise Recycling Decarbon (1)
- TRON (1)
- UBS Bloomberg BCOM Constant Maturity (4)
- UBS Bloomberg CM-BCOM Outperformance Strategy ex-Precious Metals 2.5 Leveraged (3)
- UBS Bloomberg CMCI (4)
- UBS Bloomberg CMCI Ex Agriculture Ex Livestock Capped (4)
- US ESG Minimum Variance (3)
- WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation (2)
- WisdomTree Battery Metals Com (1)
- WisdomTree Battery Solutions (1)
- WisdomTree Blockchain (1)
- WisdomTree CF Crypto Altcoins (1)
- WisdomTree CF Crypto Market (1)
- WisdomTree CF Crypto Mega Cap Equal Weight (1)
- WisdomTree Emerging Markets ex-State-Owned Enterprises ESG Screened (1)
- WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend (1)
- WisdomTree Energy Trans Metal Com (1)
- WisdomTree Europe Equity (4)
- WisdomTree Europe Equity Income (2)
- WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend (2)
- WisdomTree Eurozone Quality Dividend Growth (2)
- WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (5)
- WisdomTree Team8 Cybersecurity (1)
- WisdomTree US Equity Income (3)
- WisdomTree US Quality Dividend Growth (3)
- WTI Crude Oil (1)
- Xtrackers Portfolio Income (1)
- Zinc (1)
Alle anzeigen (3.346)
Region (Alle)
Afrika (1)
Asien (7)
Asien (ex-Japan) (7)
Asien-Pazifik (1)
Asien-Pazifik (ex-Japan) (19)
Emerging Markets (76)
Europa (242)
Europa (ex-UK) (6)
Eurozone (58)
Keine Region (1.065)
Lateinamerika (4)
Nordamerika (5)
Osteuropa(ex-Russia) (2)
Skandinavien (2)
Welt (343)
Land (Alle)
Australien (2)
Brasilien (6)
China (39)
Deutschland (37)
Frankreich (6)
Griechenland (1)
Indien (8)
Indonesien (3)
Italien (8)
Japan (93)
Kanada (10)
Kein Land (1.278)
Malaysia (1)
Mexiko (2)
Österreich (2)
Pakistan (1)
Philippinen (1)
Russland (2)
Saudi-Arabien (2)
Schweden (1)
Schweiz (6)
Singapur (1)
Spanien (2)
Südafrika (1)
Südkorea (5)
Taiwan (3)
Thailand (1)
Türkei (2)
Vereinigte Staaten (264)
Vereinigtes Königreich (49)
Vietnam (1)
Sektor (Alle)
Agrar (2)
Automobil (9)
Bau (3)
Biotech (4)
Chemie (2)
Energie (27)
Finanzdienstleister (25)
Gesundheit (18)
Goldminen (7)
Handel (5)
Haushaltsartikel (9)
Immobilien (0)
Industriegüter (10)
Infrastruktur (10)
Kein Sektor (1.579)
Konsumgüter (5)
Lebensmittel (4)
Luxus (2)
Medien (2)
Private Equity (4)
Reise & Freizeit (7)
Rohstoffe (10)
Technologie (71)
Telekommunikation (9)
Versorger (12)
Verteidigung (2)
Aktienstrategie (Alle)
Aktienrückkauf (3)
Dividenden (71)
Equal Weighed (16)
Fundamental / Quality (11)
Growth (2)
Keine Aktienstrategie (1.621)
Large Cap (6)
Low Volatility (27)
Mid Cap (13)
Momentum (8)
Multi-Faktor (16)
Preferred Shares (1)
Small Cap (21)
Value (22)
Thema (Alle)
Aktienrückkauf (3)
Alternative Energien (14)
Alternde Gesellschaft (1)
Batterietechnik (3)
Blockchain (4)
Christliche Prinzipien (1)
Cloud Technologie (2)
Cyber Security (6)
Digitalisierung (5)
E-Commerce (2)
E-Sports & Gaming (2)
Ernährung der Zukunft (2)
Fintech (3)
Geschlechtergleichheit (9)
Goldminen (6)
Grüne Mobilität (5)
Halbleiter (4)
Holz (2)
Innovation (11)
Islam (3)
Kein Thema (1.655)
Klimawandel (73)
Künstliche Intelligenz / AI (2)
Metaversum (5)
Private Equity (4)
Robotik & Automatisierung (2)
Wasser (5)
Wasserstoff (4)
Region (Alle)
Afrika (0)
Asien (0)
Asien (ex-Japan) (0)
Asien-Pazifik (1)
Asien-Pazifik (ex-Japan) (0)
Emerging Markets (0)
Europa (7)
Europa (ex-UK) (5)
Eurozone (2)
Keine Region (1)
Lateinamerika (0)
Nordamerika (0)
Osteuropa(ex-Russia) (0)
Skandinavien (0)
Welt (13)
Land (Alle)
Australien (0)
Brasilien (0)
China (0)
Deutschland (0)
Frankreich (0)
Griechenland (0)
Indien (0)
Indonesien (0)
Italien (0)
Japan (0)
Kanada (0)
Kein Land (28)
Malaysia (0)
Mexiko (0)
Österreich (0)
Pakistan (0)
Philippinen (0)
Russland (0)
Saudi-Arabien (0)
Schweden (0)
Schweiz (0)
Singapur (0)
Spanien (0)
Südafrika (0)
Südkorea (0)
Taiwan (0)
Thailand (0)
Türkei (0)
Vereinigte Staaten (1)
Vereinigtes Königreich (0)
Vietnam (0)
Kryptowährung (Alle)
Avalanche (1)
Binance USD (0)
Bitcoin (8)
Bitcoin Cash (1)
Cardano (1)
Cosmos (0)
Diversifiziert (8)
Ethereum (6)
keine Währung (31)
Polkadot (2)
Polygon (1)
Ripple (2)
Solana (2)
Tezos (1)
Tron (1)
Anleiheart (Alle)
Aggregat (53)
Keine Anleiheart (297)
Pfandbriefe (4)
Staatsanleihen (266)
Unternehmensanleihen (196)
Wandelanleihen (9)
Region (Alle)
Afrika (0)
Asien (1)
Asien (ex-Japan) (1)
Asien-Pazifik (0)
Asien-Pazifik (ex-Japan) (0)
Emerging Markets (65)
Europa (56)
Europa (ex-UK) (0)
Eurozone (64)
Keine Region (478)
Lateinamerika (0)
Nordamerika (4)
Osteuropa(ex-Russia) (0)
Skandinavien (0)
Welt (156)
Land (Alle)
Australien (1)
Brasilien (0)
China (7)
Deutschland (25)
Frankreich (1)
Griechenland (0)
Indien (3)
Indonesien (0)
Italien (3)
Japan (1)
Kanada (0)
Kein Land (638)
Malaysia (0)
Mexiko (0)
Österreich (0)
Pakistan (0)
Philippinen (0)
Russland (0)
Saudi-Arabien (0)
Schweden (0)
Schweiz (3)
Singapur (0)
Spanien (1)
Südafrika (0)
Südkorea (0)
Taiwan (0)
Thailand (0)
Türkei (0)
Vereinigte Staaten (130)
Vereinigtes Königreich (12)
Vietnam (0)
Währung (Alle)
Australischer Dollar (3)
Euro (455)
Hongkong-Dollar (2)
Japanischer Yen (3)
Kanadischer Dollar (0)
Keine Währung (0)
Mexikanischer Peso (2)
Pfund Sterling (41)
Schwedische Krone (0)
Schweizer Franken (66)
Singapur-Dollar (0)
US Dollar (253)
Rating (Alle)
kein Rating (292)
AAA (59)
Investment Grade (157)
High Yield (55)
Gemischte Ratings (43)
Laufzeiten (Alle)
0-1 Jahre (14)
0-10 Jahre (2)
0-3 Jahre (23)
0-5 Jahre (51)
1-10 Jahre (20)
1-15 Jahre (2)
10+ Jahre (44)
3-7 Jahre (11)
5-10 Jahre (5)
5-7 Jahre (7)
5+ Jahre (4)
7-10 Jahre (22)
Keine Angabe (315)
keine Laufzeit (305)
Währung (Alle)
Australischer Dollar (0)
Euro (9)
Hongkong-Dollar (0)
Japanischer Yen (0)
Kanadischer Dollar (0)
Keine Währung (0)
Mexikanischer Peso (0)
Pfund Sterling (2)
Schwedische Krone (0)
Schweizer Franken (0)
Singapur-Dollar (0)
US Dollar (3)
Rohstofftyp (Alle)
Agrarrohstoffe (16)
Diversifiziert (28)
Diversifiziert (ex Agrar) (13)
Edelmetalle (56)
Energie (61)
Industriemetalle (50)
kein Rohstofftyp (3121)
Nutzvieh (1)
Aluminium (6)
Baumwolle (1)
Benzin (5)
Blei (4)
Erdgas (9)
Gasöl (5)
Gold (26)
Heizöl (4)
Kaffee (3)
Kakao (1)
kein Rohstofftyp (3192)
Kupfer (9)
Lebendrind (1)
Magere Schweine (0)
Mais (2)
Nickel (7)
Öl (25)
Palladium (9)
Petroleum (1)
Platin (4)
Rhodium (1)
Silber (16)
Sojabohnen (0)
Sojaöl (0)
Weizen (3)
Zink (6)
Zinn (4)
Zucker (2)
- Indexauswahl (Alle)
- ---------------------------
- MSCI World (55)
- MSCI ACWI (22)
- MSCI All Country World Investable Market (ACWI IMI) (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets (28)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Market (IMI) (3)
- MSCI Europe (24)
- MSCI USA (21)
- FTSE All-World (6)
- FTSE Developed (2)
- FTSE Emerging (3)
- S&P 500 (58)
- Nasdaq 100 (22)
- Nikkei 225 (5)
- STOXX Europe 600 (10)
- DAX (9)
- MSCI World SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (6)
- ---------------------------
- 21Shares Crypto Basket (4)
- AC Far East Ex Japan ESG Leaders Select 5% capped (1)
- Alerian Disruptive Tech Real Estate (1)
- Alerian Midstream Energy Dividend (1)
- Aluminium (1)
- Amun Crypto Basket (1)
- ATX (2)
- Avalanche (3)
- Barclays Backwardation Tilt Multi-Strategy Capped (3)
- Binance USD (1)
- Bitcoin (12)
- Bitcoin Cash (1)
- Bloomberg Aluminum Subindex (1)
- Bloomberg Brent Crude Subindex (2)
- Bloomberg China Treasury + Policy Bank (2)
- Bloomberg CM-BCOM Outperformance Strategy ex-Precious Metals, Agriculture, Livestock 2.5 Leveraged (2)
- Bloomberg Coffee Sub (1)
- Bloomberg Commodity (11)
- Bloomberg Commodity ex-Agriculture and Livestock (2)
- Bloomberg Commodity Forward 3M (5)
- Bloomberg Copper Subindex (1)
- Bloomberg EM USD Sovereign + Quasi-Sov (2)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets Asia Local Currency Government Country Capped Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets Local Currency Liquid Government Bond (3)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets USD Sovereign (1)
- Bloomberg Emerging Markets USD Sovereign & Agency 3% Country Capped (4)
- Bloomberg Energy (1)
- Bloomberg Equal-weight Commodity ex-Agriculture (2)
- Bloomberg Euro 1-3 Year Treasury Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Bond (3)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Corporate Bond ex-Financials 1-5 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Financial (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Aggregate Treasury (7)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond (15)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond 0-3 (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond 1-5 (5)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Bond ex-Financials (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Corporate Floating Rate Notes 2% Issuer Cap (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10 (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10+ (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 10-15 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 15-30 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 5 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Bond 5-7 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation-Linked 1-10 Year (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation-Linked 10+ Year (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Government Inflation-Linked Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro High Quality Liquid Asset 1-5 Years Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 1-10 (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 15+ Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 25+ Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 3-5 Year Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 5-7 Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury 50bn 7-10 Year Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury Bond 0-1 (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury France (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury Germany (1)
- Bloomberg Euro Treasury Spain (1)
- Bloomberg ex-Agriculture and Livestock 15/30 Capped (3)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond (21)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate (8)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate Corporate USD 1-3 (3)
- Bloomberg Global Aggregate US Treasury Float Adjusted (3)
- Bloomberg Global Corporate ex EM Fallen Angels 3% Capped (2)
- Bloomberg Industrial Metals (1)
- Bloomberg Liquidity Screened Euro High Yield Bond (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI EUR Corporate and Agency Green Bond (1)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate 0-3 Sustainable SRI (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate High Yield Sustainable BB+ SRI Bond (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Corporate Sustainable and SRI (5)
- Bloomberg MSCI Euro Green Bond SRI including Nuclear Power (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global Aggregate 1-3 SRI Carbon ESG-Weighted (1)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global Aggregate Sustainable and Green Bond SRI (2)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global aggregted 500MM ex securitized sustainable SRI sector neutral (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI Global Corporate Float-Adjusted Liquid Bond Screened (4)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate High Yield SRI Sustainable (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate High Yield Sustainable BB+ SRI Bond (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Corporate Sustainable SRI (4)
- Bloomberg MSCI US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year Sustainable (3)
- Bloomberg MSCI USD Corporate and Agency Green Bond (2)
- Bloomberg Nickel (1)
- Bloomberg SASB 0-3 Year Euro Corporate ESG (1)
- Bloomberg SASB U.S. High Yield Corporate ESG (2)
- Bloomberg SASB US Corporate ESG Ex-Controversies Select (1)
- Bloomberg Short Treasury (4)
- Bloomberg Sterling Corporate Bond (1)
- Bloomberg Sterling Corporate Bond 0-5 (1)
- Bloomberg Sterling Gilt Float Adjusted (3)
- Bloomberg Sub Agri (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Agriculture (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Aluminum (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Brent Crude (2)
- Bloomberg Sub BrentCrud (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Cocoa (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Coffee (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Copper (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Corn (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Cotton (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Gold (3)
- Bloomberg Sub Industrial Metals (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Natural Gas (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Nickel (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Petroleum (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Platinum (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Precis Mtls Dly (1)
- Bloomberg Sub Silver (3)
- Bloomberg Sub Sugar (2)
- Bloomberg Sub Wheat (2)
- Bloomberg Sub WTI Crude Oil (4)
- Bloomberg Sub Zinc (1)
- Bloomberg UK Gilt (2)
- Bloomberg UK Gilt 1-5 (1)
- Bloomberg UK Gilt 15+ (1)
- Bloomberg US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond (3)
- Bloomberg US 10+ Year Treasury Bond (8)
- Bloomberg US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond (13)
- Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond (4)
- Bloomberg US Corporate 0-3 (1)
- Bloomberg US Corporate 10+ (1)
- Bloomberg US Enhanced Inflation (2)
- Bloomberg US Floating Rate Notes 1-5 (3)
- Bloomberg US Government 1-10 Year Inflation-Linked Bond (6)
- Bloomberg US Government 10+ Year Inflation-Linked Bond (2)
- Bloomberg US Government Inflation-Linked Bond (7)
- Bloomberg US High Yield Very Liquid ex 144A (2)
- Bloomberg US Intermediate Corporate Bond (1)
- Bloomberg US Intermediate Credit Bond (1)
- Bloomberg US Liquid Corporates (5)
- Bloomberg US Mortgage Backed Securities (3)
- Bloomberg US Treasury (5)
- Bloomberg US Treasury 1-3 (8)
- Bloomberg US Treasury 3-7 (8)
- Bloomberg US Treasury Bill 1-3 M (2)
- Bloomberg US Treasury Floating Rate (2)
- Bloomberg USD Liquid Investment Grade Corporate (3)
- Bloomberg Wheat Sub (1)
- Bloomberg World Government Inflation-Linked Bond (8)
- Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil (1)
- Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil Subindex (1)
- BNP Paribas Bund Future MV (1)
- BNP Paribas Energy & Metals Enhanced Roll (3)
- BNP Paribas Equity Momentum Europe (2)
- BNP Paribas High Dividend Europe Equity (1)
- BNP Paribas High Dividend Europe ESG (1)
- BNP Paribas Long Term BTP Future (1)
- BNP Paribas Long Term BTP Future MV (1)
- BNP Paribas Long Term BTP Rolling Future (1)
- BNP Paribas US Treasury Note 10Y Rolling Future (3)
- BNPP Emerging Markets Equities Rolling Futures (2)
- BNPP Long Bund 30Y Rolling Future (1)
- BNPP Optimised Roll Energy (1)
- BNPP Optimized Roll Industrial Metals (1)
- BNPP US Treasuries 30Y (3x) (1)
- BofA Merrill Lynch 0-5 Year Euro Developed Markets High Yield 2% Constrained (2)
- BofA Merrill Lynch Diversified Core Plus Fixed Rate Preferred Securities (4)
- BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Constrained 0-5 (5)
- Bund Rolling Future (2)
- BVP Nasdaq Emerging Cloud (1)
- CAC 40 (3)
- CAC 40 ESG (1)
- Cardano (1)
- CenterSquare New Economy Real Estate (2)
- CoinShares Blockchain Global Equity (1)
- Copper (1)
- Cosmos (1)
- CSI 300 (2)
- CSI Gilt-Edged Medium Term Treasury Note (1)
- DAX 50 ESG (1)
- DAX ESG Target (1)
- DAX ex Financials 30 (1)
- DAXglobal Gold Miners (1)
- DAXplus Maximum Dividend (1)
- DB Brent Crude Oil Booster (1)
- DBLCI Optimum Yld Brent Crude Oil (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 1-10 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 1-3 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 10+ (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 3-5 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany 5-10 (1)
- Deutsche Börse EUROGOV Germany Money Market (1)
- DIVDAX (1)
- Dow Jones Asia/Pacific Select Dividend 50 (1)
- Dow Jones China Offshore 50 (1)
- Dow Jones Emerging Markets Select Dividend (1)
- Dow Jones Global Select Real Estate Securities (2)
- Dow Jones Global Titans 50 (1)
- Dow Jones Industrial Average (4)
- Dow Jones Sustainability Eurozone ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling and others (1)
- Dow Jones Sustainability World ex Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling and others (1)
- Dow Jones US Select Dividend (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 1.5 - 2.5 (2)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 10.5+ (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 2.5 - 5.5 (1)
- eb.rexx Government Germany 5.5 - 10.5 (1)
- ECPI Circular Economy Leaders Equity (1)
- ECPI Global ESG Blue Economy (2)
- ECPI Global ESG Hydrogen Economy (2)
- ECPI Global ESG Medical Tech (1)
- EQM Future of Defence (1)
- Ethereum (10)
- EURO iSTOXX ex Financials High Dividend 50 (1)
- EURO iSTOXX High Dividend Low Volatility 50 (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 (23)
- EURO STOXX 50 Daily Leverage (3x) (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 Daily Short (3x) (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 Leverage (2x) (1)
- EURO STOXX 50 Short (2)
- EURO STOXX 50 Short Leverage (2x) (1)
- EURO STOXX Banks (1)
- EURO STOXX Banks 30-15 (2)
- EURO STOXX Banks Daily Leverage (3x) (1)
- EURO STOXX Low Risk Weighted 100 (1)
- EURO STOXX Mid (1)
- EURO STOXX Optimised Banks (1)
- Euro STOXX Quality Dividend 50 (1)
- EURO STOXX Select Dividend 30 (5)
- EURO STOXX Small (1)
- EURO STOXX Total Market (TMI) Growth Large (1)
- Euronext ESG Eurozone Biodiversity Leaders (1)
- Fidelity Electric Vehicles and Future Transportation ESG Tilted Index (1)
- Fidelity Emerging Markets Quality Income (2)
- Fidelity Europe Quality Income (2)
- Fidelity Global Quality Income (4)
- Fidelity Metaverse ESG Tilted (1)
- Fidelity US Quality Income (4)
- Foxberry Digital Payments Economy (1)
- Foxberry Listed Private Equity SDG Screened (1)
- Foxberry SMS Environmental Impact 100 (1)
- Foxberry Sustainability Consensus Europe Total Return (1)
- Foxberry Sustainability Consensus US (1)
- Foxberry Tematica Research Cybersecurity & Data Privacy (1)
- Foxberry Tematica Research Sustainable Future of Food (1)
- Franklin Liberty Euro Short Maturity (2)
- Franklin US Equity (1)
- FSE Eb Rexx Money Market (2)
- FTSE 100 (14)
- FTSE 100 Daily Leveraged (1)
- FTSE 100 Daily Short Strategy (1)
- FTSE 100 Short (1)
- FTSE 100 Super Leveraged (1)
- FTSE 100 Ultra Short Str (1)
- FTSE 250 (5)
- FTSE 250 Daily Leveraged (1)
- FTSE 250 Daily Short Strategy (1)
- FTSE Advanced Climate Risk-Adjusted European Monetary Union Government Bond (2)
- FTSE All-Share (2)
- FTSE All-World High Dividend Yield (2)
- FTSE Australian Government Bond (1)
- FTSE Brazil 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE China 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE China 50 (1)
- FTSE China A-H 50 (1)
- FTSE Developed Asia Pacific All Cap (2)
- FTSE Developed Asia Pacific ex Japan (2)
- FTSE Developed Asia Pacific ex Japan All Cap ex CW ex TC ex REITS Dividend Growth with Quality (1)
- FTSE Developed ESG Low Carbon Select (1)
- FTSE Developed Europe (2)
- FTSE Developed Europe ESG Low Carbon Select (2)
- FTSE Developed Europe ex UK All Cap ex CW ex TC ex REITS Dividend Growth with Quality (1)
- FTSE Emerging ESG Low Carbon Select (1)
- FTSE Emerging Markets High Dividend Low Volatility (1)
- FTSE Emerging Markets USD Governement & Government-Related Bond Select (4)
- FTSE EPRA Nareit Dev Green EU (1)
- FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe ex UK Green (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed (6)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Asia Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe (5)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK Capped (1)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK Dividend+ (2)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Eurozone Capped (2)
- FTSE EPRA/NAREIT United States Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE ESG Select World Government Bond Developed Markets (3)
- FTSE G7 Government Bond (3)
- FTSE Germany All Cap (1)
- FTSE Global All Cap Choice (2)
- FTSE Global Core Infrastructure (1)
- FTSE Goldman Sachs China Government Bond (1)
- FTSE India 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE Japan (3)
- FTSE Japan ESG Low Carbon Select (2)
- FTSE Japanese Government Bond (1)
- FTSE Korea 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE MIB (5)
- FTSE MIB Banks 15% Capped (1)
- FTSE MIB Leveraged (3x) (1)
- FTSE MIB Ultra Short Strategy (1)
- FTSE MTS Eurozone Government Bill 0-6 Month Capped (2)
- FTSE MTS Ex-Bank of Italy BOT (1)
- FTSE MTS Highest Rated Macro-Weighted Government Bond (1)
- FTSE MTS Highest-Rated Eurozone Government Bond (1)
- FTSE MTS Lowest-Rated Eurozone Government Bond Investment Grade (2)
- FTSE North America (2)
- FTSE RAFI All-World 3000 (1)
- FTSE RAFI Emerging Markets (1)
- FTSE RAFI Europe (1)
- FTSE RAFI US 1000 (1)
- FTSE Taiwan 30/18 Capped (1)
- FTSE Time-Weighted US Fallen Angel Bond Select (3)
- FTSE UK Dividend+ (1)
- FTSE US Treasury Short Duration (1)
- FTSE USA ESG Low Carbon Select (1)
- FTSE Vietnam (1)
- FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade USD Multilateral Development Bank Bond Capped (3)
- FTSE World Government Bond - Developed Markets (5)
- Gold (20)
- Goldman Sachs ActiveBeta Emerging Markets Equity (1)
- GPR Global 100 (1)
- Hang Seng TECH (1)
- iBoxx Contingent Convertible Liquid Developed Europe AT1 (5)
- iBoxx EUR Breakeven Euro-Inflation France & Germany (1)
- iBoxx EUR Corporates BBB-BB (1)
- iBoxx EUR Corporates Yield Plus (1)
- iBoxx EUR Covered (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 1-3 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 15-30 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 20 Target Duration (2)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 25+ (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 3-5 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 5-7 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Eurozone 7-10 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Germany (2)
- iBoxx EUR Germany 1-3 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates Diversified (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Corporates Large Cap (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Covered Bond (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Germany Covered Diversified (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid High Yield (6)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid High Yield 1-3 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort (3)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Non-Financials Diversified (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Capped 1-5 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Capped 1.5-10.5 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 1-10 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 10+ (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 3-5 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 5-7 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Liquid Sovereigns Diversified 7-10 (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereign Yield Plus 1-3 (2)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns ESG Tilted (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone (3)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone AAA (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone Short (1)
- iBoxx EUR Sovereigns Eurozone Yield Plus (2)
- IBOXX Germany Covered Bond (1)
- iBoxx Global Developed Markets Liquid High Yield Capped (5)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR Corporates 0-1 (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR FRN Investment Grade Corporates (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR High Yield Corporates (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR High Yield Paris Aligned Capped (1)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG EUR Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort (2)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG USD Asia ex-Japan High Yield Capped (1)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG USD Emerging Markets Sovereigns Quality Weighted (3)
- iBoxx MSCI ESG USD FRN Investment Grade Corporates (2)
- iBoxx Pfandbriefe (1)
- iBoxx TIPS Inflation Linked (1)
- iBoxx USD Breakeven 10-Year Inflation (1)
- iBoxx USD Inverse Breakeven 10-Year Inflation (1)
- iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield 0-5 Capped (1)
- iBoxx USD Liquid High Yield Capped (4)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade (4)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade 0-5 (3)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Interest Rate Hedged (1)
- iBoxx USD Liquid Investment Grade Ultrashort (1)
- iBoxx USD Treasuries (2)
- iBoxx USD Treasuries 1-3 (1)
- ICE 3-5 Year Euro Government Carbon Reduction (1)
- ICE BofAML 0-5 EM USD Government Bond (2)
- ICE BofAML Diversified High Yield US Emerging Markets Corporate Plus (1)
- ICE BofAML Euro High Yield (3)
- ICE BofAML Global Fallen Angel High Yield (1)
- ICE BofAML US High Yield (7)
- ICE Brent Crude Oil (1)
- ICE Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures (2)
- ICE US Treasury 0-1 (3)
- ICE US Treasury 0-5 Inflation-Linked (2)
- ICE US Treasury 1-3 (5)
- ICE US Treasury 20+ (3)
- ICE US Treasury 3-7 (3)
- ICE US Treasury 7-10 (4)
- ICE US Treasury Core Bond (1)
- iClima Global Decarbonisation Enablers (1)
- IDC US Treasury Short Term (2)
- Indxx Cybersecurity (1)
- Indxx Global CleanTech (1)
- Indxx Global Cloud Computing (1)
- Indxx Global Fintech Thematic (2)
- Indxx Global Internet of Things Thematic (1)
- Indxx Global NextGen Healthcare (1)
- Indxx Renewable Energy Producers (1)
- Indxx U.S. Infrastructure Development (2)
- ISE Cyber Security UCITS (1)
- iSTOXX FactSet Ageing Population (1)
- iSTOXX FactSet Breakthrough Healthcare (1)
- iSTOXX FactSet Digitalisation (1)
- iStoxx Global Metaverse (1)
- iTraxx Crossover 5y Short (1)
- iTraxx-CDX IG Global Credit Steepener (1)
- JP Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified Core (2)
- JP Morgan China Custom Liquid ESG Capped (2)
- JP Morgan China Government + Policy Bank 20% Capped 1-10 Year (1)
- JP Morgan EMBI Global Core (5)
- JP Morgan EMBI Global Diversified 10% Cap 1% Floor (1)
- JP Morgan Emerging Markets Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond (2)
- JP Morgan Emerging Markets Risk-Aware Bond (4)
- JP Morgan ESG CEMBI Broad Diversified Custom Maturity (5)
- JP Morgan ESG EMBI Global Diversified (10)
- JP Morgan ESG EMBI Global Diversified Short-Term Custom Maturity (2)
- JP Morgan ESG EMU Government Bond IG 3- 5 Year (1)
- JP Morgan ESG Green Social & Sustainability Investment Grade (2)
- JP Morgan GBI-Emerging Markets Global Core (1)
- JP Morgan GCI ESG Investment Grade USD Custom Maturity (2)
- JP Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond (3)
- JP Morgan Government Bond Global (4)
- JP Morgan India Government Fully Accessible Route (FAR) Bonds (3)
- JP Morgan USD Corporate Bond Research Enhanced (4)
- JP Morgan USD Emerging Markets Diversified 3% capped 1-5 Year Bond (6)
- JP Morgan USD Emerging Markets IG ESG Diversified Bond (3)
- JP Morgan USD Ultra-Short Income (2)
- JPX-Nikkei 400 (8)
- KBW Nasdaq Financial Technology (1)
- LevDAX (2x) (4)
- LevDAX (3x) (1)
- LibertyQ Emerging Markets Equity (1)
- LibertyQ European Dividend (1)
- LibertyQ Global Dividend (1)
- LME Lead Futures (1)
- Long Gilt Rolling Future (3)
- Low Carbon 100 Europe Paris aligned (3)
- Low Carbon 100 Eurozone PAB (1)
- Low Carbon 300 World PAB (1)
- LPX Major Market (1)
- MAC Global Solar Energy (1)
- Market Vector Crypto Leaders (1)
- MarketGrader New China ESG (1)
- MarketVector Global Defense (1)
- MDAX (7)
- Morgan Stanley RADAR ex Agriculture & Livestock Commodity (2)
- Morningstar Developed Markets Large Cap Dividend Leaders Screened Select Index (1)
- Morningstar Global Multi-Asset Infrastructure (1)
- Morningstar MLP Composite (2)
- Morningstar UK (1)
- Morningstar US Large-Mid Cap (1)
- Morningstar US Target Market Exposure (2)
- MS Long Gold (1)
- MSCI AC Asia Ex Japan (4)
- MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan (1)
- MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Climate Paris Aligned (1)
- MSCI AC Far East Ex Japan (2)
- MSCI AC Far East ex Japan Small Cap (1)
- MSCI ACWI Climate Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI ACWI Emerging Market Consumer Growth (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Disruptive Technology ESG Filtered (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Fintech Innovation Select (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI New Energy ESG Filtered (2)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Robotics & AI ESG Filtered (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 12 Responsible Consumption (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy Select Index (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Select (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI SDG Impact Select (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment ESG Screened Select Capped (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Smart Cities ESG Filtered (1)
- MSCI ACWI IMI Water ESG Filtered (2)
- MSCI ACWI Select ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI ACWI Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment ESG Filtered (2)
- MSCI ACWI SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (7)
- MSCI Australia (1)
- MSCI Brazil (5)
- MSCI Canada (10)
- MSCI China (6)
- MSCI China A (6)
- MSCI China A Inclusion (4)
- MSCI China All Shares Stock Connect Select (1)
- MSCI China All Shares Tech Select ESG Screened 100 (1)
- MSCI China ex A Shares (1)
- MSCI China NR (1)
- MSCI China Select ESG Rating and Trend Leaders (2)
- MSCI China Select SRI S-Series 10% Capped (2)
- MSCI China Technology All Shares Stock Connect Select (1)
- MSCI China Technology Sub-Industries ESG Screened Select Capped (1)
- MSCI Emergin Markets SRI Filtered Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Asia (4)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Climate Paris Aligned (4)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Eastern Europe ex Russia (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets EMEA Low Carbon SRI Leaders (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Enhanced Focus (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Universal Select (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets ex China (3)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Extended ESG Leaders 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets IMI ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Islamic (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America 10/40 (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Latin America Low Carbon SRI Leaders (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Minimum Volatility (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Select Value Factor Focus (1)
- MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (2)
- MSCI Emerging Markets SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (2)
- MSCI EMU (25)
- MSCI EMU Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI EMU Climate Paris Aligned (1)
- MSCI EMU ESG Enhanced Focus (2)
- MSCI EMU ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI EMU ESG Universal Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI EMU High Dividend Yield (2)
- MSCI EMU Large Cap (1)
- MSCI EMU Low Carbon SRI Leaders (1)
- MSCI EMU Mid Cap (1)
- MSCI EMU Select ESG Screened (1)
- MSCI EMU Small Cap (2)
- MSCI EMU SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (1)
- MSCI EMU Value (3)
- MSCI EUR Corporates IG Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Climate Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Europe Communication Services 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Communication Services ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary ESG Screened 20-35 Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Staples 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Consumer Staples ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Diversified Multiple-Factor (1)
- MSCI Europe Energy 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Enhanced Value (2)
- MSCI Europe ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI Europe ESG Enhanced Focus (2)
- MSCI Europe ESG Leaders Select 5% Issuer Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Europe Ex UK (2)
- MSCI Europe ex UK ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Europe Financials 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Financials ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Health Care 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Health Care ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield (1)
- MSCI Europe High Dividend Yield ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MSCI Europe Industrials 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Industrials ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Information Technology 20/35 Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe Information Technology ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Materials 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Materials ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Mid Cap (1)
- MSCI Europe Mid Cap Equal Weighted (1)
- MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility (2)
- MSCI Europe Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target (1)
- MSCI Europe Momentum (2)
- MSCI Europe Quality (1)
- MSCI Europe Sector Neutral Quality (1)
- MSCI Europe Select Catholic Principles ESG Leaders 10/40 (1)
- MSCI Europe Select ESG Screened (1)
- MSCI Europe Small Cap (2)
- MSCI Europe Small Cap Value Weighted (1)
- MSCI Europe SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe SRi Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Europe SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped (2)
- MSCI Europe SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (3)
- MSCI Europe Utilities 20/35 Capped (1)
- MSCI Europe Utilities ESG Screened 20-35 (1)
- MSCI Europe Value Exposure Select (1)
- MSCI France (2)
- MSCI GCC Countries ex Select Securities (1)
- MSCI Germany Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI Global Digital Assets Selected Top 20 Capped (1)
- MSCI Greece IMI + Coca-Cola 20/35 (1)
- MSCI India (6)
- MSCI Indonesia (3)
- MSCI Japan (34)
- MSCI Japan Climate Paris Aligned (2)
- MSCI Japan ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI Japan ESG Enhanced Focus (3)
- MSCI Japan ESG Filtered Min TE (1)
- MSCI Japan ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Japan ESG Universal Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI Japan ESG Universal Select (2)
- MSCI Japan ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Japan IMI (2)
- MSCI Japan Select ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI Japan Small Cap (1)
- MSCI Japan SRI (1)
- MSCI Japan SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (4)
- MSCI Japan SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (4)
- MSCI Japan SRI Select Reduced Fossil Fuels (2)
- MSCI Korea 20/35 (4)
- MSCI Malaysia (1)
- MSCI Mexico (1)
- MSCI Mexico Capped (1)
- MSCI Nordic Countries (2)
- MSCI North America (1)
- MSCI North America High Dividend Yield (1)
- MSCI Pacific Ex Japan (7)
- MSCI Pacific ex Japan ESG Enhanced Focus (1)
- MSCI Pacific ex Japan ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI Pacific ex Japan SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (3)
- MSCI Pakistan Investable Market (IMI) (1)
- MSCI Philippines Investable Market (IMI) (1)
- MSCI Russia (1)
- MSCI Russia Capped (1)
- MSCI Saudi Arabia 20/35 (2)
- MSCI Singapore Investable Market (IMI) (1)
- MSCI South Africa Capped (1)
- MSCI Switzerland (2)
- MSCI Switzerland IMI Extended SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI Taiwan 20/35 (2)
- MSCI Thailand (1)
- MSCI Turkey (2)
- MSCI UK (11)
- MSCI UK hedged to USD (2)
- MSCI UK IMI Low Carbon SRI Leaders Select (1)
- MSCI UK IMI SRI Filtered ex Fossil Fuels (3)
- MSCI UK Small Cap (1)
- MSCI USA Climate Change ESG Select (1)
- MSCI USA Climate Paris Aligned (3)
- MSCI USA Communication Services 20-35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Consumer Discretionary 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Consumer Staples (1)
- MSCI USA Diversified Multiple-Factor (1)
- MSCI USA Energy 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Enhanced Value (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Broad Select (2)
- MSCI USA ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Enhanced Focus (3)
- MSCI USA ESG Leaders (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Leaders Select 5% Issuer Capped (4)
- MSCI USA ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI USA ESG Universal Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI USA ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI USA Financials (1)
- MSCI USA Health Care (1)
- MSCI USA Industrials (1)
- MSCI USA Information Technology 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI USA Islamic (1)
- MSCI USA Large Cap (1)
- MSCI USA Leverage (2x) (1)
- MSCI USA Mid Cap (1)
- MSCI USA Mid-Cap Equal Weighted (1)
- MSCI USA Minimum Volatility (1)
- MSCI USA Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target (1)
- MSCI USA Momentum (1)
- MSCI USA Sector Neutral Quality (1)
- MSCI USA Select Dynamic 50% Risk Weighted (2)
- MSCI USA Select ESG Rating and Trend Leaders (3)
- MSCI USA Select ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI USA Select Factor Mix (4)
- MSCI USA Select Sustainability Screened CTB (1)
- MSCI USA Small Cap ESG Enhanced Focus CTB (1)
- MSCI USA Small Cap ESG Leaders (1)
- MSCI USA Small Cap Value Weighted (1)
- MSCI USA SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped (2)
- MSCI USA Value (1)
- MSCI USA Value Weighted (1)
- MSCI World Climate Change Paris Aligned Low Carbon Select (1)
- MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned (6)
- MSCI World Climate Paris Aligned Select (1)
- MSCI World Consumer Discretionary (1)
- MSCI World Consumer Staples (1)
- MSCI World Diversified Multiple-Factor (3)
- MSCI World Energy (2)
- MSCI World Energy 35/20 Capped (1)
- MSCI World Enhanced Value (2)
- MSCI World ESG Climate Paris Aligned Benchmark Select (1)
- MSCI World ESG Enhanced Focus (2)
- MSCI World ESG Leaders (3)
- MSCI World ESG Screened (2)
- MSCI World ESG Universal Select Business Screens (1)
- MSCI World Ex EMU (1)
- MSCI World Ex Europe (1)
- MSCI World Financials (3)
- MSCI World Health Care (3)
- MSCI World Health Care ESG Reduced Carbon Select 20 35 Capped (1)
- MSCI World High Dividend Yield ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MSCI World High Dividend Yield Low Carbon SRI Screened Select (1)
- MSCI World Industrials (1)
- MSCI World Information Technology (2)
- MSCI World Information Technology 20/35 Custom (1)
- MSCI World Islamic (1)
- MSCI World Materials (1)
- MSCI World Materials 35/20 Capped (1)
- MSCI World Mid Cap Equal Weighted (1)
- MSCI World Minimum Volatility (4)
- MSCI World Minimum Volatility ESG Reduced Carbon Target (3)
- MSCI World Momentum (2)
- MSCI World Momentum ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MSCI World Sector Neutral Quality (2)
- MSCI World Select ESG Screened (1)
- MSCI World Small Cap (2)
- MSCI World Small Cap ESG Enhanced Focus (1)
- MSCI World Small Cap SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (1)
- MSCI World SRI Filtered Paris Aligned Benchmarks (3)
- MSCI World SRI Low Carbon Select 5% Issuer Capped (6)
- MSCI World SRI S-Series PAB 5% Capped (1)
- MSCI World Utilities (1)
- MSCI World Value ESG Reduced Carbon Target Select (1)
- MVIS Global Junior Gold Miners (1)
- MVIS Global Rare Earth/Strategic Metals (1)
- Nasdaq 100 3x Leveraged Notional (1)
- Nasdaq 100 ESG (1)
- Nasdaq 100 Leverage (2x) (1)
- Nasdaq AlphaDEX Eurozone (1)
- Nasdaq AlphaDEX Germany (1)
- Nasdaq AlphaDEX Large Cap Core (1)
- Nasdaq Biotechnology (2)
- Nasdaq Clean Edge Green Energy (1)
- Nasdaq Crypto Europe (1)
- Nasdaq CTA Artificial Intelligence (1)
- Nasdaq Global Buyback Achievers (1)
- Nasdaq Global Semiconductor (1)
- Nasdaq Next Generation 100 (1)
- Nasdaq-100 3x Inverse (1)
- Natural Gas (1)
- Nickel (1)
- Nifty 50 (1)
- North Shore Sprott Uranium Miners (1)
- NYSE Arca Gold Bugs (1)
- NYSE Arca Gold Miners (1)
- NYSE Factset Global Blockchain Technologies Capped (1)
- NYSE Leveraged 2x (1)
- OMX Stockholm Benchmark Cap (1)
- Optimized Roll Commodity (5)
- Optimized Roll Energy (1)
- Palladium (7)
- PIMCO Emerging Markets Advantage Local Currency Bond (2)
- PIMCO Euro Short Maturity (5)
- PIMCO Low Duration Euro Corporate Bond (1)
- PIMCO Low Duration US Corporate Bond (2)
- PIMCO Sterling Short Maturity (1)
- PIMCO US Dollar Short Maturity (1)
- Platinum (3)
- Polkadot (2)
- Polygon (1)
- Precious Metals Basket (1)
- RBOB Gasoline (2)
- Refinitiv Global Large/Mid Diversity & Inclusion ex Controversial Weapons Equal Weight (1)
- Refinitiv Qualified Global Convertible (4)
- Rhodium (1)
- RICI Enhanced Aluminium (2)
- RICI Enhanced Aluminum (1)
- RICI Enhanced Brent Crude Oil (3)
- RICI Enhanced Copper (3)
- RICI Enhanced Energy (3)
- RICI Enhanced Gas Oil (1)
- RICI Enhanced Gas Oil TR (2)
- RICI Enhanced Gasoline (1)
- RICI Enhanced Heating Oil (4)
- RICI Enhanced Industrial Metals (3)
- RICI Enhanced Lead (3)
- RICI Enhanced Metals (3)
- RICI Enhanced Natural Gas (3)
- RICI Enhanced Nickel (3)
- RICI Enhanced RBOB Gasoline (2)
- RICI Enhanced Tin (3)
- RICI Enhanced WTI Crude Oil (2)
- RICI Enhanced Zinc (4)
- RICI EnhancedSM Brent Crude Oil (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM Copper (2)
- RICI EnhancedSM Energy (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM METALS (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM Natural Gas (1)
- RICI EnhancedSM WTI Crude Oil (1)
- Ripple (2)
- ROBO Global Artificial Intelligence (1)
- ROBO Global Healthcare Technology and Innovation (1)
- ROBO-STOX Global Robotics and Automation (1)
- Rogers International Commodity (RICI) (1)
- Russell 2000 (5)
- S&P 500 Buyback (2)
- S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Communication Services (1)
- S&P 500 Capped 35/20 Health Care (1)
- S&P 500 Equal Weight (7)
- S&P 500 ESG (14)
- S&P 500 Financials Sector (1)
- S&P 500 Leverage (2x) (1)
- S&P 500 Low Volatility (1)
- S&P 500 Low Volatility High Dividend (2)
- S&P 500 Minimum Volatility (2)
- S&P 500 Net Zero 2050 Paris-Aligned ESG (3)
- S&P 500 Paris-Aligned Climate Sustainability Screened (1)
- S&P 500 Quality, Value & Momentum Multi-Factor (1)
- S&P 500 Short (1)
- S&P 500 Short Leverage (2x) (1)
- S&P 500 VIX Futures Enhanced Roll (1)
- S&P 500 VIX Short Term Futures (1)
- S&P 900 Banks 7/4 Capped (1)
- S&P China 500 (1)
- S&P Commodity Producers Agribusiness (1)
- S&P Commodity Producers Gold (1)
- S&P Commodity Producers Oil & Gas Exploration & Production (1)
- S&P Communication Services Select Sector Daily Capped 25/20 (1)
- S&P Consumer Discretionary Select Sector (1)
- S&P Consumer Staples Select Sector (1)
- S&P Developed Markets ex Korea LargeMidCap (2)
- S&P Emerging Markets High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure (1)
- S&P Energy Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P Euro High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Europe ex UK (1)
- S&P Eurozone LargeMidCap Paris-Aligned Climate (2)
- S&P Financials Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P Global Clean Energy (2)
- S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Global Infrastructure (1)
- S&P Global Luxury (2)
- S&P Global Timber & Forestry (2)
- S&P Global Water (1)
- S&P Health Care Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (2)
- S&P Industrial Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P Listed Private Equity (2)
- S&P Materials Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P MidCap 400 (1)
- S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Select Frontier (1)
- S&P SmallCap 600 (2)
- S&P Technology Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P UK High Yield Dividend Aristocrats (1)
- S&P Utilities Select Sector Cap 25/20 (1)
- S&P/ASX 200 (1)
- SBI ESG Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 (1)
- SBI ESG Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 (2)
- SG Global Quality Income (1)
- SGI Pan Africa (1)
- Shiller Barclays CAPE Europe Sector Value (2)
- Shiller Barclays CAPE US Sector Value (5)
- Short DAX (3x) (1)
- ShortDAX (2)
- ShortDAX Leverage (2x) (3)
- Silver (10)
- SLI (2)
- Solactive 10Y US Treasury Future Daily -2x Inverse USD (1)
- Solactive AgTech and Food Innovation (1)
- Solactive AuAg ESG Gold Mining (1)
- Solactive Autonomous & Electric Vehicles (2)
- Solactive Battery Value-Chain (1)
- Solactive Blockchain (1)
- Solactive Brent Crude Oil (3)
- Solactive Bund Daily (-2x) Inverse (1)
- Solactive Candriam Factors Sustainable Corporate Euro Bond (1)
- Solactive Candriam Factors Sustainable Europe Equity (1)
- Solactive Candriam Factors Sustainable Japan Equity (1)
- Solactive Carbon Emission Allowances Rolling Futures (1)
- Solactive China Electric Vehicle and Battery (1)
- Solactive China Technology (2)
- Solactive Clean Energy (1)
- Solactive Clean Water (1)
- Solactive Core Developed Markets Europe ex UK Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core Developed Markets Pacific ex Japan Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core Japan Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Core United States Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive Data Center REITs & Digital Infrastructure (1)
- Solactive Digital Payments (1)
- Solactive E-commerce (1)
- Solactive eCommerce Logistics (1)
- Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality (1)
- Solactive Equileap Global Gender Equality 100 (8)
- Solactive ETC Group Web 3.0 (1)
- Solactive EUR USD IG Corporate Green Bond (1)
- Solactive Euro Corporates 0-3 Year Liquid EUR (1)
- Solactive Euro Government Green Bond (1)
- Solactive Euro Overnight Return (1)
- Solactive Europe 600 (2)
- Solactive European Equity (1)
- Solactive Eurozone Government Bond (2)
- Solactive Eurozone Government Bond 0-1 Year (1)
- Solactive Eurozone Rendite Plus 1-10 Bond (1)
- Solactive Eurozone Sustainability (1)
- Solactive Fed Funds Effective Rate (2)
- Solactive GBS Developed Markets Europe Large & Mid Cap (4)
- Solactive GBS Developed Markets Large & Mid Cap (3)
- Solactive GBS Emerging Markets Large & Mid Cap (1)
- Solactive GBS Global Markets Large & Mid Cap (2)
- Solactive GBS Japan Large & Mid Cap (2)
- Solactive Genomics (1)
- Solactive Gerd Kommer Multifaktor USD (2)
- Solactive Global Clean Water Industry (1)
- Solactive Global Copper Miners (1)
- Solactive Global Developed Government Bond (2)
- Solactive Global Hydrogen (1)
- Solactive Global Lithium (1)
- Solactive Global Metaverse (1)
- Solactive Global Multilateral Development Bank Bond USD 25% Issuer Capped (5)
- Solactive Global Pure Gold Miners (1)
- Solactive Global Silver Miners (1)
- Solactive Global SuperDividend (2)
- Solactive Global Uranium & Nuclear Components (1)
- Solactive Gold (2)
- Solactive Green Bond (3)
- Solactive Green ESG Bond EUR USD IG (3)
- Solactive HG Copper (2)
- Solactive Hydrogen Economy (1)
- Solactive Innovative Technologies (1)
- Solactive ISS ESG Developed Markets Eurozone Net Zero Pathway (2)
- Solactive ISS ESG Developed Markets Net Zero Pathway (1)
- Solactive ISS Paris Aligned Select Euro Corporate IG (1)
- Solactive leveraged 1x short FAANG (1)
- Solactive Natural Gas (2)
- Solactive Palladium (2)
- Solactive Pharma Breakthrough Value (1)
- Solactive Silver (2)
- Solactive Smart Factory (1)
- Solactive Solar (1)
- Solactive Spain 40 (2)
- Solactive Sustainable World Equity (1)
- Solactive Swiss Large Cap (1)
- Solactive UBS Climate Aware Global Developed Equity CTB (1)
- Solactive United States Technology 100 Equal Weight (1)
- Solactive US Treasury 7-10 Q Series USD (1)
- Solactive US Treasury Bond (2)
- Solactive US Treasury Yield Curve Steepener 2-5 vs 10-30 (1)
- Solactive USD Daily (x7) Steepener 2-10 (1)
- Solactive Video Games & Esports (2)
- Solactive Wind Energy (1)
- Solana (2)
- STOXX China A 900 Minimum Variance Unconstrained AM (1)
- STOXX Europe 50 (4)
- STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Banks (2)
- STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Chemicals (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Construction & Materials (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Financial Services (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Food & Beverage (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Health Care (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Insurance (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Media (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Automobiles & Parts (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Banks (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Basic Resources (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Chemicals (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Construction & Materials (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Financial Services (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Food & Beverage (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Health Care (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Insurance (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Media (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Oil & Gas (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Personal & Household Goods (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Retail (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Technology (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Telecommunications (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Travel & Leisure (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Personal & Household Goods (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Real Estate (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Retail (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 SRI (1)
- STOXX Europe 600 Technology (4)
- STOXX Europe 600 Telecommunications (3)
- STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure (4)
- STOXX Europe 600 Utilities (3)
- STOXX Europe Large 200 (1)
- STOXX Europe Mid 200 (1)
- STOXX Europe Select Dividend 30 (2)
- STOXX Europe Small 200 (1)
- STOXX Europe Strong Growth 20 (1)
- STOXX Europe Strong Style Composite 40 (1)
- STOXX Europe Strong Value 20 (1)
- STOXX Global Digital Security (2)
- STOXX Global Electric Vehicles & Driving Technology (1)
- STOXX Global Metaverse (1)
- STOXX Global Select Dividend 100 (2)
- STOXX Global Smart City Infrastructure (2)
- TecDAX (3)
- Tematica BITA Digital Infrastructure (1)
- Tezos (1)
- Tin (1)
- TOPIX (8)
- Tortoise Recycling Decarbon (1)
- TRON (1)
- UBS Bloomberg BCOM Constant Maturity (4)
- UBS Bloomberg CM-BCOM Outperformance Strategy ex-Precious Metals 2.5 Leveraged (3)
- UBS Bloomberg CMCI (4)
- UBS Bloomberg CMCI Ex Agriculture Ex Livestock Capped (4)
- US ESG Minimum Variance (3)
- WilderHill New Energy Global Innovation (2)
- WisdomTree Battery Metals Com (1)
- WisdomTree Battery Solutions (1)
- WisdomTree Blockchain (1)
- WisdomTree CF Crypto Altcoins (1)
- WisdomTree CF Crypto Market (1)
- WisdomTree CF Crypto Mega Cap Equal Weight (1)
- WisdomTree Emerging Markets ex-State-Owned Enterprises ESG Screened (1)
- WisdomTree Emerging Markets SmallCap Dividend (1)
- WisdomTree Energy Trans Metal Com (1)
- WisdomTree Europe Equity (4)
- WisdomTree Europe Equity Income (2)
- WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend (2)
- WisdomTree Eurozone Quality Dividend Growth (2)
- WisdomTree Global Developed Quality Dividend Growth (5)
- WisdomTree Team8 Cybersecurity (1)
- WisdomTree US Equity Income (3)
- WisdomTree US Quality Dividend Growth (3)
- WTI Crude Oil (1)
- Xtrackers Portfolio Income (1)
- Zinc (1)
ETF Suche
- Es konnten keine Suchergebnisse gefunden werden
Name | TER | Ausschüttung | Replikation | Fondsvolumen | Anteilsklasse | Auflagedatum |
0,07 % | Physisch | 104,9 Mrd. € | 101,71 Mrd. € | 19.05.10 | ||
0,20 % | Physisch (OS) | 88,74 Mrd. € | 86,29 Mrd. € | 25.09.09 | ||
0,07 % | Physisch | 60,46 Mrd. € | 43,67 Mrd. € | 22.05.12 | ||
0,05 % | Synthetisch | 34,09 Mrd. € | 27,13 Mrd. € | 20.05.10 | ||
0,18 % | Physisch | 22,03 Mrd. € | 20,8 Mrd. € | 30.05.14 | ||
0,07 % | Physisch (OS) | 18,25 Mrd. € | 18,25 Mrd. € | 15.03.02 | ||
0,07 % | Physisch | 60,46 Mrd. € | 16,79 Mrd. € | 14.05.19 | ||
0,12 % | Physisch | 16,1 Mrd. € | 16,1 Mrd. € | 24.06.09 | ||
0,12 % | Physisch | 16,07 Mrd. € | 16,07 Mrd. € | 08.04.11 | ||
0,20 % | Physisch (OS) | 16,51 Mrd. € | 15,95 Mrd. € | 21.10.11 | ||
0,30 % | Physisch | 16,55 Mrd. € | 15,79 Mrd. € | 26.01.10 | ||
0,22 % | Physisch (OS) | 30,92 Mrd. € | 15,66 Mrd. € | 22.05.12 | ||
0,22 % | Physisch (OS) | 30,92 Mrd. € | 15,26 Mrd. € | 23.07.19 | ||
0,07 % | Physisch | 13,89 Mrd. € | 13,67 Mrd. € | 27.04.00 | ||
— | Physisch | 13,57 Mrd. € | 13,57 Mrd. € | 14.12.07 | ||
0,19 % | Physisch (OS) | 17,24 Mrd. € | 13,34 Mrd. € | 22.07.14 | ||
0,03 % | Physisch | 19,56 Mrd. € | 12,81 Mrd. € | 19.03.12 | ||
0,20 % | Physisch | 13,63 Mrd. € | 12,65 Mrd. € | 10.06.14 | ||
0,07 % | Physisch (OS) | 18,37 Mrd. € | 12,54 Mrd. € | 20.02.19 | ||
0,10 % | Synthetisch | 12,23 Mrd. € | 11,34 Mrd. € | 25.05.07 | ||
0,20 % | Physisch | 12,18 Mrd. € | 11,19 Mrd. € | 10.10.18 | ||
0,20 % | Physisch (OS) | 15,08 Mrd. € | 11,1 Mrd. € | 06.03.09 | ||
0,15 % | Physisch (OS) | 11,34 Mrd. € | 10,3 Mrd. € | 08.12.10 | ||
0,07 % | Physisch | 18,34 Mrd. € | 10,09 Mrd. € | 06.03.19 | ||
0,12 % | Physisch (OS) | 9,91 Mrd. € | 9,57 Mrd. € | 28.02.19 |
Mit der ETF Suche kannst du aus allen in Deutschland handelbaren ETFs für dich den passenden finden. Wenn du dich näher informieren möchtest, wie unsere Daten berechnet werden, kannst du das in diesem Artikel nachlesen.
Einen ETF auswählen Schritt für Schritt
- Entscheide dich für einen Aktienindex, eine Branche oder ein Thema, zu dem du einen ETF finden möchtest. Mit dem Filter kannst du dir alle ETFs dazu anzeigen. Du kannst dich beispielsweise für einen ETF entscheiden, der die komplette Welt abbildet oder Schwellenländer. Auch gibt es zahlreiche ETFs, die eine bestimmte Branche oder ein bestimmtes Thema abbilden.
- Sortiere die ETFs nach ihrer Total Expense Ratio (TER). Die TER ist die Gesamtkostenquote und sie entspricht den Kosten, die der Fondsanbieter für sich einbehält, um damit die nötige Infrastruktur und das Personal zu bezahlen. Die TER mindert deine Rendite, daher sollte sie möglichst niedrig sein.
- Wirf anschließend einen Blick auf das Fondsvolumen. ETFs mit einem sehr niedrigen Fondsvolumen könnten für den Fondsanbieter unrentabel sein und daher geschlossen werden. Das Fondsvolumen sollte mindestens 100 Mio. € betragen. Schließe daher alle ETFs aus, die ein geringeres Fondsvolumen haben.
- Setze nun ein Häkchen bei einigen ETFs, die eine geringe TER und ein ausreichend hohes Fondsvolumen haben. Diese kannst du jetzt im Detailvergleich noch genauer miteinander vergleichen.
- Entscheide dich anschließend für den ETF, der dir am meisten zusagt. Dieser muss nicht zwingend die geringste TER und das höchste Fondsvolumen haben.
- Sparplan finden: Idealerweise besparst du deinen ETF mit einem Sparplan. Wenn du bereits ein Depot hast, dann sollte der ETF bei deinem Broker sparplanfähig sein. Falls du noch keinen Broker hast, kannst du in unserem Sparplanvergleich verschiedene Broker vergleichen.
Weiterhin gibt es, je nach eigenen Bedürfnissen, noch zahlreiche weitere Kriterien nach denen du ETFs filtern kannst. So kannst du dich etwa entscheiden, ausschließlich in ausschüttende oder thesaurierende ETFs zu investieren. Oder du hast eine Vorliebe für physisch replizierende oder Swap-basierte ETFs.
Welche Kriterien sind wichtig?
Um den richtigen ETF zu finden, solltest du dir verschiedene Kriterien anschauen. Investierst du in einen ETF, möchtest du vorher sichergehen, dass dieser nachhaltig bestehen bleibt und dir unter Umständen über Jahrzehnte eine Rendite beschert. Sobald du weißt, welchen Index dein ETF abbilden soll, solltest du drei wichtige Kriterien für die Auswahl eines ETFs berücksichtigen:
Die TER ist die Gesamtkostenquote des ETFs. Diese ist in Prozent angegeben und entspricht dem Anteil des Fondsvolumens, das der Fondsanbieter für sich selbst als eine Art Gebühr einbehält. Die TER verringert entsprechend die Performance des ETFs und sollte daher möglichst gering ausfallen.
Fondsvolumen und Anteilsklassenvolumen
Das Fondsvolumen ist das gesamte Vermögen, das der ETF verwaltet. Je größer das Fondsvolumen ist, desto rentabler ist der ETF für seinen Fondsanbieter, denn desto mehr verdient dieser an der Gesamtkostenquote. Hat ein ETF nur ein sehr geringes Fondsvolumen, besteht das Risiko, dass dieser aufgelöst werden kann. Das Fondsvolumen sollte daher mindestens 100 Mio. € betragen.
Das Anteilsklassenvolumen wiederum entspricht dem verwalteten Vermögen der Anteilsklasse. Beispielsweise kann ein Fonds eine ausschüttende und eine thesaurierende Anteilsklasse unterteilt werden, die jeweils unterschiedliche ISINs haben und daher wie zwei verschiedene ETFs aussehen. Faktisch investieren beide aber in den gleichen Fonds.
Ebenso relevant ist das Alter des Fonds. Ein erst kürzlich aufgelegter Fonds hat häufig auch ein geringes Volumen und läuft Gefahr, nach einigen Jahren wieder aufgelöst zu werden, falls sich nicht genügend Investoren für den Fonds entscheiden. Fondsalter und Fondsvolumen sollten daher gemeinsam betrachtet werden.
Aktien schütten Dividenden aus und so tun es auch die in einem ETF enthaltenen Aktien. Ein Fonds hat nun zwei Möglichkeiten: Entweder er schüttet die Dividenden an dich aus (ausschüttend) oder er reinvestiert die Dividenden (thesaurierend).
Weitere Kriterien
Neben diesen Kriterien existieren noch zahlreiche weitere, wie: die Replikationsmethode, Tracking Error, Fondswährung, oder das Fondsdomizil. Zu all diesen Themen kannst du dich in unserem ETF Handbuch informieren.